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It kept out invader's.

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Q: Why were Egypt's natural defenses important?
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What were egypts natural defense?

The Natural Defenses of Egypt are the cataracts, the delta, the eastern and western desert.

Who are Egypts important people?

egypts important people were ........ now to the important stuff (.y.) n 8---- lol

Which civilization had greater natural defenses?

Mesopotamia was the civilization that had greater natural defenses.

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The teeth and claws.

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Why did the ancient egyptians use their natural defenses?

because it worked

What natural defenses did Egypt have against attack?

Deserts and Mountains

What was an advantage of egypts location besides a stable food diet?

It had natural barriers to protect against invaders.

What are your bodies natural defenses?

your skin and white cells that kill bacteria

What are Egypts reasoures?

Natural Resources include petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, phosphates, manganese, limestone, gypsum, talc, asbestos, lead, zinc

Who inherited control of a country that had no natural frontiers for defenses?

Frederick William the Great Elector