It does not tell when the US dollar will collapse. A dollar collapse is when the dollar goes down really quick.
I highly doubt it. in the great depression it wasn't even near collapse, how could it be now
It is highly likely the economy will collapse and we will have to rebuild it (not in the way as such a depression, but a total collaption) The country will need to find a new way to build an economy. The US could also collapse from power, such as the Roman Empire did as it got power hungry.
I believe the dollar will crash before 2011. (I belive the dollar will crash eventually but not in 2012. I have never been into religion but it does make you wonder since there has been technological advances where we no longer pay with credit card but with fingerprints which are evolving around the world but that to me is too close to the prophecy of the mark of the devil. Who knows like I said I am not into religion all I am saying is maybe I should be. You be the judge.
Chinese civilization didn't collapse. It is a continuous civilization in the latest 5000 years.
In about 5-6 billion years.
conquest by foreigners
Its defeat and takeover by Alexander the Great.
He rode elephants through cartilage.
It does not tell when the US dollar will collapse. A dollar collapse is when the dollar goes down really quick.
were not dead yet
around 2010
NO! This is because if ancient Korea did collapse then Korea wouldn't be with us here in our world. If it did collapse it would be like the Maya, Inca and Aztecs. Maya, Inca and Aztecs are not with us because the civilization has collapsed.
The Great Depression
Although other currencies previously used in the US have undergone collapse, the Continental dollar being the most notable example, the US dollar has not collapsed yet. Many economists predict an imminent collapse, and some say it has already begun.
read the book the collapse of America: A Ruined state?
You literally do not deserve to breathe.
Federal Reserve.