Day itself is Hemera's symbol as she is the goddess of day.
Kore, in Greek mythology, was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Kore was also known as Persephone and translates into maiden. Kore was also known as the queen of the underworld.
Well, for one, Chaos is a Greek Goddess.The ancient meaning of Chaos is "Gap" or "Chasm", she is one of many air gods - the dome of starry Ouranus (Heaven), then Aither (Bright Upper Air), then Chaos, then dark Erebus who was the mist which touched under the earth under and at the edges.Chaos is also associated with primordial "mix" from which all the primal gods and goddesses sprang. She is mother of Nyx (Night) and Erebus (Dark), who gave rise to Aether (Light Air) and Hemera (Day) - who in turn bore Gaea (Earth), Ouranus (Heaven), and Thalassa (Sea).Chaos does not have a mythical presence save in the beginnings of origin.
The Greek goddess of the Hunt and daughter of Zeus and Leto was Artemis. She was also the goddess of childbirth, maidens, the moon, and wildlife.
In Greek mythology, Antigone is the the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. The name Antigone is known to mean "against, or opposed to motherhood." It also means "against men."
The daughter of Aether and Hemera, whose name is also the Greek word for "sea," is Thalassa. In the case of moons, Thalassa is not associated with a specific moon in our solar system, but she is a personification of the sea in Greek mythology.
Uranus was the sky (personification). He may have been the offspring of Aether, Hemera--Air and Day; or the son of Nyx, or Night. The god Aether also may have been a personification of sky.Aether's parents may have been Erebus and Nyx, or Khaos or Akmon depending on which classical historian one reads.--information from Wikipedia
Day itself is Hemera's symbol as she is the goddess of day.
Hemera's mate was also her brother, Aither (Light).
Charon is usually depicted in Greek mythology as the son of Erebus (the god of darkness) and Nyx (the goddess of night). However, some sources also suggest that Charon is the son of Erebus and Nyx's daughter Hemera (the goddess of day).
Theia is Titan, a Greek Goddess who was born of the union of Gaea (Earth) and Ouranus (Sky). Her sisters shared her powers of prophesy, as well as her children Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn) by her mate Hyperion, another god of light. Aether (Air) is the father of Gaea with his mate Hemera (Day) and shared Theia's title as a god of light. Apollo was also a god of light/sight.
Parents of Aphrodite are often told to be Ouranus (Heaven) and Thalassa (Sea)/ Hemera (Day). Also, a alternate Aphrodite is daughter of Zeus and Dione.
In Greek mythology, Gaia is believed to be the mother of the Titans, who were her children. She is also considered the mother of the Giants, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. So, in mythological terms, Gaia did not have brothers or sisters but was seen as the mother of many significant beings in Greek mythology.
Mnemosyne; she is a titan goddess, a daughter of Uranus/Ouranos and Gaia, or of Gaia and Aether. She is thought of as one of the elder "mother" muses, for she represented the memory of the old sagas and history, in a time before writing; she is said to be the inventor of words and language, she was also a minor oracle goddess.
In Greek mythology, Pheadra is the daughter of Minos of Pasiphae. She is also the sister of Ariadne, the mother of demophon of Athens and Acamas and the wife of Theseus.