A special group of people called scribes.
an artisan is someone who works, and they started to become one when they mastered their skill!
Peasant women helped in the fields, but their primary domain was the household where cooking and child-rearing took place. The skill of training young girls fell to the more mature women of the household. Women could inherit property and pass it on to heirs. Women's social and political roles, while complementary to men's, remained subordinate. Marriages were often arranged through lineages, and virginity was highly regarded of young women at marriage. Their skill at weaving was also highly regarded.
the Mycenaean government was organized by a number of steps called the quell records. they used skill and determination to create the government. all other evidence is lost
Thot / ThothOne of the most important aspects of Thot's complex nature is that of a god of writing and of the scribes. Thot is credited by the Ancient Egyptians with the invention of the hieroglyphic writing, the "words of god", evidenced in his epithet "the one who created writing".He can often be seen holding a reed pen and a scribe's palette. Among his many epithets "lord of the reed pen" clearly shows his association with these attributes of writing. It is therefore not surprising to see the scribe's palette being presented to Thot, or one of the gods associated with him, in ritual scenes.Thot was the archetype of the Egyptian scribe: he was meticulous, worthy of trust and very precise. In the so-called "Ptolemaic" writing, the hieroglyphic sign representing an ibis, Thot's sacred animal, was used to write the notion of "excellence".Scribes were regarded as "followers of Thot" and they were a privileged class that was held in high esteem in the Ancient Egyptian society. As followers of Thot, they were supposed to be as meticulous and trustworthy as Thot himself. According to one hymn to Thot, the eye of the baboon watched out for scribes who took advantage of their skill by using it for self gain.
Young men who have mastered the skill of writing are often referred to as wordsmiths or wordsmithing prodigies. They may also be described as eloquent or proficient writers.
Master Scribe.
A special group of people called scribes.
Writing skills theories are different interpretation or views of the skill which is writing. Writing is a way of communication and writing skill is the ability to produce a piece of text.
Someone who has mastered a skill and mentors or teaches another, who is not skilled with that particular trait.
Writing is a skill not behaviour.
Skills that depend primarily on learning and environmental opportunities. Extent to which any skill is mastered is dependent on Ontogeny.
Is spelling an outdated skill? (writing, not wrighting...)
My English writing is not very good. but i will try to my best for writing English. so how i can improve my English writing skill. i need your suppor for English writing skill.
an artisan is someone who works, and they started to become one when they mastered their skill!
It is important skill because you need it so then you can get into a great collage.