The people that would be interested in a purchasing a larger painting of two horses that create a heart shape painted by P. Fullerton, would be people that are collectors of his work. Other people who would want to buy it might be art collectors, horse lovers and anyone who likes the painting.
I do not know where he is but I would like some information on his art, I have an oil painting of an Indian shield with a buffalo skull and the top of the shield and on the lower part of the shield there is a buffalo. it has painted feathers 4 on each side and triangle designs on the shield. there tomahawks on each corner and different designs all the way around the border. I do not know where to get it appraised if anyone has some ideas please let me know.
I don't think anyone invented it, it was discovered.
Anyone regardless of political group or class
I dont think Just anyone painted it.. I think it was more than one person To be honest...
Sir Winston Churchill painted the portrait of his niece.
I guess it is a yes because they have tattoos made for your teeth.
Your question must contain more information in order for anyone to answer it. How many of what? WHO painted? When? Where?
He painted it in 1890 but does anyone know how long it took him??
Yes. It does that all the time....ask anyone that has owned a house in New England.
The Mona Lisa was painted by using oil paintings on a type of paper called poplar panel. Although that is all i know about the Mona Lisa it will greatly appreciated if anyone else knows anything about how it was painted
Very soon you may know more!
Simply because that is why it was painted. And it makes such a strong impression on anyone who sees it.
Most of them he painted for himself in the hope of selling them. Only a few portraits were commissioned.
who painted oil picture of the ferryman holding two women in his arms walking in water?the picture has water lillies in it..can anyone put me in touch with a good art specialist?
I didn't know old coffee cups were painted in the first place! BTW, is anyone watching the Utes kick Bama's ASS!!!