It depends on what you sell it for. basically if you think you worked hard on it then you should make the price kind of expensive but if you didn't work as hard on an art work then don't sell it for too much. Also you could just hang it up somewhere and wait till someone offers to buy it
Landscape art is idealized as a reflection of poetry by many northern artists. Artists from Northern Europe, who had not even visited Italy make their living selling Italianate landscapes.
There are many options an artist has for selling an oil painting. Online store fronts such as Etsy or Shop Delighted allow artists to sell handmade items. It is also a good idea to try and get featured in an art gallery.
Pop Art
That's because artists some times do work that they are not proud of for money, so they have aliases in order to not sully their own personal beliefs about art. Other times artists change their name just because the alias in itself, helps to communicate a message that the artist is trying to portray.
color and brushwork
You selling it? Probably nothing judging on how stupid the question is.
Very little... unless someone loves it and will pay huge amounts of money for your art, but that's rare.
The general public did not understand the Impressionists' art (Realism and Romanticism were popular). The art and the artists were subject to much ridicule. As a result, the artists could not find buyers, so money was a constant issue.
very little - the money's in development, prior art. the idea itself is almost worthless
Artists depended on patrons and patrons needed money to sustain.
You mostly play games, but you can also earn wc by selling wajas or selling art (on the forum).
Two artists draw a piece for each other. It's like a commission, but instead of paying money, you pay with your art.
Landscape art is idealized as a reflection of poetry by many northern artists. Artists from Northern Europe, who had not even visited Italy make their living selling Italianate landscapes.
Art Directors work with artists to get their pieces in museums. They also try to market and raise money for their museums.
There are many online art galleries and independent artists selling art online. If one wanted to purchase landscape art online, one can go to Light in the Box, The Art Gallerist and Fine Art America for a wide selection of landscape art.
It depends entirely on what sort of artist you mean - "artist" is a very vague term. An artist like Picasso or Rembrandt were not employed by anyone - they painted for the love of it and earned money when they sold their art. Modern day artists of a similar nature are in exactly the same situation. They may go for ages without selling anything at all and then sell lots of art in a short space of time. Of course there are all types of artists. Some may be employed to work on websites, advertising campaigns, town design, all sorts of things. These types of artists can be salaried or self-employed.
Wendy Richardson has written: 'Cities' -- subject(s): Art, Art appreciation, Artists, Cities and towns in art, Juvenile literature 'Families through the eyes of artists' 'Windy Gully' 'When Too Much Isn't Enough' 'Cities (Artists of the World)'