If you mean this one, yes he is: John Heny Olsen, AO, OBE (born 1928 in Newcastle, New South Wales) is an Australian artist
Yes she is still alive.
Yes he is still alive!
Claes Oldenburg is still alive. he hasn't died he is still alive No, he is alive and kicking.
Yes, she is.
Fortunately he is still alive today and still making his magnificent sculptures.
No! How could she anyways?? He was in NY and she was in LA!
John Marsden is alive.
the artist john Olsen's full name is 'John Heny Olsen'
Yes, I am. (only joking, I'm not John Surtees but he is still alive)
he is still alive
they sure are
The actor Gary Swanson (The Bone Collector, Sniper, Retina *2012) is apparently still alive.
John Olsen has written: 'John Olsen, arbejder og ting' -- subject(s): Exhibitions
The artist John Olsen was born in 1928
John Olsen - artist - was born in 1928.