Mannerist work looked so different from anything else in its time period that it more closely resembles art from the 20th century.
mannerism artworks are some of the most expensive available on the market today
Mannerist paintings had dramatic perspective.
It is a non-figurative painting. It means it does not depict or represent anything. It is a painting - not a painting of anything.
The Last Supper by Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto was a reimagining of the famous piece of the same name by da Vinci.
The Last Supper by Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto was a reimagining of the famous piece of the same name by da Vinci.
He became associated with the Italian Renaissance Movement making paintings with the characteristics of the Late Renaissance. He used the Mannerist style to make his painting.
I believe it is the visitation by Pontormo a mannerist painter (mannerism is a movement in and around the Florentine Renaissance)
Mannerism emerged in the early sixteenth century as a reaction to the Renaissance ideals of balance and order. It instead emphasized tension in composition and instability.
Mannerist paintings had dramatic perspective.
What are the characteristics of the High Renaissance painting or sculpture?
Mannerist work looked so different from everything else in its time period that it more closely resembles art from the 20th century.
Mannerist painters departed from High Renaissance painting conventions by breaking the principles of design and color that had been put in place during the High Renaissance. Mannerist paintings often feature elongations of the human figure.
Mannerist paintings had dramatic perspective.
the religious theme
It conveys warmth and intimacy in a uniquely personal style.
Pontormo was associated with the Mannerist movement, which emerged in Italy in the late Renaissance period. Mannerist artists like Pontormo were known for their sophisticated, stylized approach to painting that emphasized expressive compositions and elongated figures.
Painting: Mannerist (Linear), Realist Sculpture & Architecture: Scientific, Mathematical