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The contrast between the serenity of Jesus and the exertion of the worker's (apex)

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Look at this painting by Rubens. Which of this painting's features contributes most to the emotional tension of the composition?

the contrast between the serenity of jesus and the exertion of the workers

What was Georgia's O'Keeffe composition?

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Look at this painting by Rogier van der Weyden. The composition of this painting is intended to?

Convey symbolic meaning

What are the features of paint?

Some of the features of landscape painting include water, trees, mountains and other vegetation such as plants and flowers. Landscape painting captures the essence of the surrounding environment and provides a snapshot in time.

How does social and emotional development help children through painting?

panting can help promote social and emotional development development because the children can paint together, and during the painting activity, the children learn how to do sharing things with each others and also learn how to take trans.

Where can someone find painting sets for kids online?

ASWexpress features many different kinds of kids painting sets, including finger painting sets. The site also sells various other painting and art supplies.

Look at this painting by Rubens. It features what ideal of beauty for women of the time?

curvy and voluptuous

How did the painting of Giotto differ from most other medieval art?

His paintings showed emotional intensity and his figures seemed to have volume.