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Someone once asked Mark Rothko how he chose his colors, and he replied "Not color, but measures." I am pretty sure he would say that he does not think of colors as symbolic in the slightest when he's painting.

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Q: Mark Rothko use of colour as a symbol?
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Legal definition: The symbol (SM) is used to indicate that a word, phrase, logo or design is treated as a service mark by the party - that is, that the party claims rights in the mark. The mark does not need to be federally registered to use this symbol, unlike the ® symbol.

What does sm mean?

Legal definition: The symbol (SM) is used to indicate that a word, phrase, logo or design is treated as a service mark by the party - that is, that the party claims rights in the mark. The mark does not need to be federally registered to use this symbol, unlike the ® symbol.

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What does colour mean to mark rothko?

When, around 1946, Rothko began developing his now very well known style, he also stopped making statements or giving interviews about his work almost altogether, so it's almost impossible to know what exactly color meant to Mark Rothko.Of the very few statements made by Rothko regarding color this one is perhaps the most revealing of his attitude towards color and his paintings:"I use colors that have already been experienced through the light of day and through the states of mind of the total man. In other words, my colors are not colors that are laboratory tools which are isolated from all accidentals or impurities so that they have a specified identity or purity."In the book 'Color Codes', Charles A. Riley II summed up this statement by saying:"There could be no better refutation of the Utopian view of color that this concise but profound explanation. By eschewing the "laboratory" mentality that ties colorism to purism, Rothko maintained the connection between his colors and a symbolic or emotional life beyond this picture."

What does the symbol mean in a text?

It means if you want to add a symbol, like a full stop, comma, exclamation mark or question mark. Basically punctuation and symbols and signs which you can use on a mobile phone. :)

What does the symbol mean in a text message?

It means if you want to add a symbol, like a full stop, comma, exclamation mark or question mark. Basically punctuation and symbols and signs which you can use on a mobile phone. :)

What does symbol mean in a text message?

It means if you want to add a symbol, like a full stop, comma, exclamation mark or question mark. Basically punctuation and symbols and signs which you can use on a mobile phone. :)

What HTML tags do you use to include comments in your source code?

Comment Tags are ignored by the browser and are not displayed. If you want to make a note or a comment within your HTML document use the following HTML You can use it to mark off where a certain section of your page starts and ends so you can easily locate it to edit. for example (The browser will ignore this notation) The WikiAnswers website rocks. (The browser will ignore this notation)