I wasn't sure how to ask a question. I am in the same position. I bought an oil painting back in 1992. It is a painting of a girl in turn of the century fashion. She is leaning on her knee on a piano bench with her hand on the keys. I have tried for YEARS to find something out about this. Somebody out there must know something. Please help! On the bottom right corner the name Paragol is printed. Any information will be greatly appreciated. my email isilligrl69@yahoo.comThank you for reading this.
It's probably Caroline Carson. Go to www.google.com Type: artist C Carson It will give you lots of results. I think it may be the Korean painter Charles Carson - he always signed his paintings with C. Carson.
It was important to have doom paintings if the service was Latin because not many people back then in medieval England knew latin, so paintings would help the congregation understand the message the preist was trying to get across.
I have a painting by C Manning and I am trying to finsd out a little about the artist. There is a painting for sale on Ebay Paul Smith I have checked the worth of his original works. They are valued at 3600-4000. However most of his large oil paintings have sold on hipswap, and yessy for over 2k. I currently own one and it hangs in our main room. His works are becoming more collected and valuable due to his use of colors and picturesque landscapes. Cynthia Kennedy
I have been trying to find out who the artist is also, i have my parents still life (fruit with a pitcher) signed DUV...we are from New York, he or she might just be a local artist from the sixties...
being human
what is the artist ben Franklin trying to communicate about the original 13 british colonies
trying to make people imagine things and be an artist
I am trying to research this artist. I have an oil painting of the Champs E'lysse in the rain.....????
His drawings were sketches for his paintings.
margreat Preston is trying to express the indiginous culture through her paintings, as she was the first austrlian woman painter to realise austrlian primitivity margreat Preston is trying to express the indiginous culture through her paintings, as she was the first austrlian woman painter to realise austrlian primitivity margreat Preston is trying to express the indiginous culture through her paintings, as she was the first austrlian woman painter to realise austrlian primitivity
The theme of Counterfeit Island is famous artwork. Someone is trying to steal famous paintings from the island museums. The police are trying to recover the lost items, and you are trying to help. (see related question)
It's probably Caroline Carson. Go to www.google.com Type: artist C Carson It will give you lots of results. I think it may be the Korean painter Charles Carson - he always signed his paintings with C. Carson.
keep trying