Donatello was very much appreciated by the people of Florence during his life time.
People have been making as far back as the caveman period. Art has developed over time but it all depends on the cultures and people of the society and time.
what kind of art did the neolithic people make
pop art
Art during the renaissance (which means "rebirth") reflected the values of that time because it show cased high realism, ideal beauty, and harmony and balance. Body proportions were explored as people became more accepting to science. Leonardo da Vinci was 'the renaissance man' because he explored everything, from literature, to science, to the arts, to mathematics. During this time, people of the renaissance were looking at themselves as people and humanism became their focus. Their art glorified man, by showing ideal beauty.
people became more the focus of art
At first people did not accept the work of the impressionists.
No, he was declined from the art school he applied to, but he was accepted into an architect school.
This means to consider the time in history in which a piece was produced. For example, many people enjoy Impressionst paintings now. However, this style had a rough beginning because at the time, a more formal style was accepted and preferred by art world. The Impressionists were not taken seriously by the rest of the art community. Established artistists at the time did not consider Impressionism to be a legitimate art form.
Nudity paintings are accepted by the general public because they are a form of art.
There were several people who drew art in ancient Egypt. Most of the time it was underclass people who had to do hieroglyphics and drawings.
Yes! in fact people then loved his artwork and sculptures. He was quite famous back then and is still famous now.
People have been making as far back as the caveman period. Art has developed over time but it all depends on the cultures and people of the society and time.
It certainly is! People just love Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, etc.
Yes, he was actually a moderately good artist although he wasn't accepted into the art school the first time and failed the second time.
Narrative art is an accepted purpose of art. It tells a story.
He failed to impress the people at his art school. Since He was a dictator they thought of his artwork being "bad".Hitler wanted to express what he saw around him in Austria.
He absolutely was! He was accepted into one of the finest art school in the world at that time when he was still very young!