Childe Hassam is mostly known for urban and coastal scenes. His most famous works include a group of about thirty paintings known as the Flag series.
Sher is a painter born in South Africa now living in England. Click link below to learn more about her and see some of her works!
Sir Augustus Wall Callcott (1770-1844), English painter. =-D I have some of his art myself beautiful paintings!
He became court painter to the king of Spain.
He was known as Vilhelm Freddie. Wilhelm Frederik Christian Freddie Carlsen was a Danish painter and sculptor known for his surrealist works. Initially working along a somewhat abstract line, he soon turned towards a more realistic surrealism, only to later return to abstract art. Some of his works were highly controversial and considered pornographic at their time, resulting in confiscation of the works and imprisonment of Freddie, though his artistic merits were later recognized.
Always try Wikipedia! Or Google the name of each painter!
Johannes Vennekamp is a German painter. He was born in 1935 and lives in Berlin Click links below to see a some of his works!
Thomas Hart Benton produced a wide variety of well known works over the course of his career as a painter. Some of his most famous works include "America Today" and "Persephone."
She was mainly a painter, but she also did some teaching.
Some of Degas' work is clearly impressionistic, but you are right in suggesting that very many works are not.
The late Thomas Kincade was known as the "Painter of Light". Some of his works include "The Watchmaker", "Christmas Cottage" and "A Mile in his Shoes".
He was an Expressionist painter. Some of his most famous works are Deer in the Woods, The Fate of the Animals, The Lamb, and Fighting Forms.
Sher is a painter born in South Africa now living in England. Click link below to learn more about her and see some of her works!
A, Weldon Kent was a painter who died in Chico, Calif at age 90 in January 2005. Some of his works may be available there.
Wayne Thiebaud is a famous American painter. Some of his more notable works include "Google - 12th Birthday Cake" from 2010, "Seven Suckers" from 1970, "Cakes" from 1963, and "Pies, Pies, Pies" from 1961.
Ian Hodder, Lewis Binford, Graeme Clarke, Stuart Piggott, Gordon Childe, Julian Thomas
"Childe" is an archaic term used in literature to refer to a young nobleman, typically a son of a noble family. It is often associated with romantic or heroic connotations, stemming from its use in medieval and Renaissance poetry.
He lived between 1898 and 1967. Born and died in Brussels. He was a surrealist painter. He chose the titles of his works at random. His works were exhibited in New York City in 1936.He often let his friends make crazy titles for his paintings.