Artists who draw bodies are called figure drawers. Some believe that figure drawing is the most difficult form of drawing.
yeh me you idiot hahahahahahaha
All those people who make art. Besides painters there are sculptors, engravers, video artists, etc.
davinci has good sketches of babies, in the womb, i have recently done work on davinci and his artwork mary cassatt is an artist who has painted them, with women in maternity
Artists from ancient Greece were the biggest influence for the Roman artists.
Anime & Realistic artists
artists are never short on money because they could draw their own salary! get it DRAW!!!!!!!!!!
There are a lot of famous artists who draw insects. Such artists include Maria Sibylla Merian who started drawing insects at age thirteen.
I dunoo
andy warhol
as an artist you draw with your imagination. sometimes artists would sit in a park ,countryside or anywhere and just draw what they see.Here are some things that artists often draw :angels portraits landscapes countrysides thank you for reading!
A few hundreds.
Artists paint, draw, and sculpt [make sculptures]
Most artists have. It is good training.