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painting realistic scenes on a two-dimensional surface

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Betty Tromp

Lvl 10
βˆ™ 3y ago
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Harmony Will

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βˆ™ 3y ago

painting realistic scenes on a two-dimensional surface

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Wiki User

βˆ™ 14y ago

painting realistic scenes on a two-dimensional surface

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Lvl 2
βˆ™ 3y ago

giving his figures a more natural appearance

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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 4y ago

heck if ik

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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 4y ago
i hate you, we’re all struggling on apex right nowπŸ˜”
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βˆ™ 4y ago
girl bye i need this
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Avery Wilson

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βˆ™ 4y ago
girl come on we need this apex suuuucccckkksssss
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Alani Geiger

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 4y ago
giving his figures a more natural apperanceΒ 
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Alani Geiger

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βˆ™ 4y ago
ur welcomeΒ 
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Larissa Baucom

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βˆ™ 4y ago
thank you

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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 4y ago

painting realistic scenes on a two-dimensional surface - apex

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Q: What did Giotto broke with medieval artistic traditions?
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What is the past participle of broke?

infinitive: break past: broke past participle: broken

What does paining mean as in jack was paining after he broke his crown?

In the phrase, Jack was paining after he broke his crown, the word paining means that Jack was in pain.

What is the past tense and past participle of break?

The simple past tense is broke. The past participle is broken.

What is Enamel Saucepan by Pablo Picasso about?

Enamel Saucepan (1945) is a good example of Synthetic Cubism, one of two branches of cubism that Picasso and Braque first developed in 1907. This style of painting was more about how the artist broke down the image into planes and facets, showing an object from several angles at once and less about the image having symbolic meaning (as, for example, Picasso's "Guernica"). Synthetic Cubism, used more decorative shapes, stencilling, collage, and brighter colors. Enamel Saucepan seems to be generally regarded as a still life without attendant meaning though the individual viewer is, of course, free to ascribe whatever meaning they wish. Of "Guernica" Picasso said “It isn’t up to the painter to define the symbols. Otherwise it would be better if he wrote them out in so many words! The public who look at the picture must interpret the symbols as they understand them.”

What did an apprentice for a master of renaissance painting do?

An apprentice's first tasks were humble: sweeping, running errands, preparing the wooden panels for painting, and grinding and mixing pigments. As the apprentice's skills grew, he would begin to learn from his master: drawing sketches, copying paintings, casting sculptures, and assisting in the simpler aspects of creating art works. The best students would assist the master with important commissions, often painting background and minor figures while the Master painted the main subjects. The few apprentices who showed amazing skill could eventually become masters themselves. A very few became greater artists than their masters. One legend tells of the young Leonardo da Vinci painting an angel so perfectly that his master Verrocchio broke his brushes in two and gave up painting forever in recognition of his pupil's superior abilities.

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What would a medieval doctor do if you broke your arm?

Cut your arm off

The beginning of the Reformation began with this Medieval monk who broke from the Church?

Martin Luther.

The beginning of the Reformation began with this Medieval monk who broke from the Church.?

Martin Luther.

Cubism broke with earlier traditions in Western art by?

Representing multiple perspectives at once

What pharaoh broke with typical Egyptian religious and artistic conventions?

That would be Akhenaton, from Dnasty XVIII 1353-1335 BCE.

Why was Jesus ordered to be crucified?

Because he said he was equal to Yahweh (god) and because he broke the traditions of the elders on the Sabbath.

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answer mii question

What period of time which the europeans broke from the Catholic church?

Not all Europeans broke with the fold of the catholic church.Mostly,Northern European is nation who broke from the Catholic church except Lithuania and Poland.The period when reformers attacked the teaching of the church was mostly during the end of the Medieval period and the Renaissance period.

How are American writers composers and artists broke away from Europe traditions in the 1920?

American writers, composers, and artists in the 1920s broke away from European traditions by embracing new forms of expression such as jazz music, modernist literature, and abstract art. They rejected the rigid structures of classical art and literature, seeking to create works that reflected the dynamic and diverse American culture of the time. This led to the development of distinctly American styles that were influenced by but distinct from European traditions.

What did Antonie Laurent Lavoisier contribute to science during the 1700s?

Lavoisier is considered between the founders of modern chemistry; he broke away from alchemy and false medieval science.

Which self-taught freethinker broke from British literary form and content traditions to write poetry in this characteristic style?

The self-taught freethinker who broke from British literary traditions to write poetry in a unique style was Walt Whitman. Whitman's poetry in "Leaves of Grass" was revolutionary in both its form, with its free verse and unconventional structures, and its content, which celebrated the individual, nature, and democracy. His work marked a significant departure from the traditional British poetry of his time.

Why is Mona Lisa considered revolutionary?

Because it radically broke with all the traditions of painting.