Quite a few: The German expressionist group 'Die Brücke', Picasso, Modigliani, to mention some.
By giving us beautiful paintings, which have inspired other artists.
The artists who inspired Giorgio Morandi to become an artist were Renoir, Monet, cezanne, Giotto, Piero Della Francesca and Uccello.
Harlem Renaissance
because she was inspired by other artists when she was younger she knew then that she wanted to make art like theirs!!!
It is unknown who, or what had inspired them, but what is sure is, that they inspired many artists and fashion designers.
Most artists have simply discovered they have the talent and the urge.
lady gaga
he was inspired by some African art
Many artists have been inspired by science, but you are probably thinking of Leonardo daVinci.
Sigmund Freud
His talent and the urge. This goes for all artists.
He certainly was, and he inspired other artists.
Samella S. Lewis has written: 'Art' -- subject(s): African American art, African American artists, African Americans in art, Biography, History and criticism 'African American art and artists' -- subject(s): African American art, African American artists, African Americans in art, Biography, History and criticism