My Butt smells like poo
I love to eat carbs
And whoever stole my plastic knife at Mcdonalds, Im coming after you
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes
There is no information that states whether or not Francisco Goya was rich. He worked as a painting director during his lifetime.
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes' father was a gilder in Fuendetodos, near Saragossa.
Francisco Pizzarro.
Francisco Pizzarro
Francisco Pizarro was born in 1471 in Trujillo, Spain.
Francisco Pizzarro
Francisco Pizzarro
Francisco Pizzarro
Francisco Pizarro was born in Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain.
I don't know, I was hoping this website would have an answer on it but it didn't so now I am :(
1521, Herman Cortésconquered the Aztecs; this conquest inspired Francisco Pizzarro to invade the Incas in 1531.
Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incan Empire and set up the current capital of Peru at Lima.
Francisco Pizarro is a spanish explorer who discorved that the incas had gold in the Acountries so he took his crew over there to take their gold and send it to his hometown. francisco pizzarro was a christian, and when he went to the Andean countries he tried to force the incan to become christians. the incan fought for their rights and finally the lost. francisco took atahuallpa(incan emperor) to be in-slaved. after a while francisco killed the incan emperor and the incan didn't know what to do. some of the incans escaped and the others died....
The ruler was Francisco Pizzarro since he was the one to conquer the country and gain its independence from the Incan.