No one knows the exact age of which he started painting but the real question is 'Why did he start painting?'
irinaland over the balkans
Hundertwasser's born name was: Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser
Yes, Hundertwasser was in fact-gay
When he made his first finger painting.
Ernst Stowasser was Freidensreich Hundertwasser's father - Hundertwasser the artist.
He made oil paintings and lots of graphic works.
Most of his artwork is abstract (non-representational) and has no recognisable subject.
He made oil paintings and lots of graphic works.
Yes, you can use spray paint on canvas to create artwork.
Yes, you can spray paint canvas to create artwork. Spray painting on canvas allows for unique textures and effects in your artwork.
Cos their style of artwork went out of fashion. The art citizens wanted something new. Most of the Fauvists went on to create different syles of artwork.
Friedensreich Hundertwasser has written: 'Hundertwasser'
irinaland over the balkans
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Hundertwasser's born name was: Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser
These are some of the museums: Fine Arts Museums of San FranciscoKunst Haus Wien, Austria (= Hundertwasser's own creation)Harvard University Art Museums, Massachusetts NEW!Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, ViennaThe Art Gallery at the University of Maryland