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1991 was the original Mother Nature by Jim Warren

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Q: When was Jim warren Mother Nature painting draw?
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What is On Painting?

It is a program that lets you draw and create simple graphics.

How do you draw rocks?

Rocks can add colour, and texture to a drawing or painting as well as help to establish the edges of areas. To draw a convincing rock it is advisable to spend some time looking at rocks in nature. The basic shape of a rock is a variation on a sphere. Learning to draw, shade and shadow a sphere with give you the building blocks to draw realistic rocks. After that it is just practice, practice, practice.

What do some children's painting and drawings in common with ancient Egyptian painting?

The draw objects are not placed realistically on the cancas.

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yes he did y

What is the worst painting ever?

paintings drawn by people who never had a teacher in art. they draw a painting, but dont see they'r mistakes.

What is painting or drawing?

People draw to express the feelings inside them others draw because they like it and yet others are just bored.

What painting should a 9 year old draw?

A dog and cat together