The value of Amadeo Boroni's painting 'Breakers at Eventide' can vary depending on factors such as the artist's reputation, the rarity of the piece, its condition, and the current art market trends. Without specific information on the painting's provenance, condition, and recent sales data, it is challenging to provide an accurate value. To determine the painting's value accurately, it would be advisable to consult with art appraisers or auction houses that specialize in the artist's work.
Amadeo García died in 1947.
Amadeo García was born in 1887.
Amadeo's theatre ended in 1834.
Amadeo's theatre was created in 1797.
Amadeo Roldán was born in 1900.
Mario Amadeo died in 1983.
Amadeo Giannini was born in 1870.
Gaetano Amadeo was born in 1824.
Gaetano Amadeo died in 1893.
Amadeo Maiuri has written: 'Pompeii ...'
Amadeo I of Spain died on 1890-01-18.