A sculptural Artist based in Sheffield, who makes her sculptures from found objects which she takes apart reworks, ages and reforms to create a sculpture that is wierd and wonderful, often inspired by nature.
In my life as Liz,what is bryson hiding from Liz
Liz Alper goes by Liz.
Liz Forgan goes by Liz.
Liz Christmas goes by Liz.
Liz Sinclair goes by Liz.
There are many famous people named Liz. Liz Claiborne, Liz Taylor and Liz Cheney are some famous people. A famous fictional Liz is Liz Lemon of the show 30 Rock.
Liz Lee is her actuall name.
The answer that you are really looking for is Liz Lee.Elizabeth Lee
Liz Magor has written: 'Liz Magor'
Liz Moss goes by Liz Moss.
Liz Bachhuber has written: 'Liz Bachhuber'
Liz Fenley's birth name is Liz Aragona.