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Q: Who painted the painting called summer afternoon?
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Who is artist CB Austin?

I cannot answer the question for certain, but I do own an oil painting signed "C B Austin" which I purchased years ago in Huron, Ohio from a woman in Berlin Heights, Ohio. The subject of this very large and beautiful oil painting is hunting dogs in the field, and is in the post impressionist style. This artist could have been a student of the Cleveland School, as there was a Cleveland School sponsored summer program in Berlin Heights, I'm told. This painting was I believe, a "fire screen", as it is painted on both sides of the canvas. The obverse side is a autumn scene of a trail through a forest in full fall foliage.

What school did Claes Oldenburg go to?

He attended the Latin School of Chicago. He studied at Yale University from 1946 to 1950, then returned to Chicago where he took classes at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Oxbow Summer School of Painting in Saugatuck

When was A Summer Dress created?

A Summer Dress was created in 1996.

What techniques have been used in painting The Hay Wain?

The Hay Wain represents a near-perfect English summer day and Constable accomplishes this by using natural light and painting realistically from his sketches of the scene. As a young boy Constable often went out "skying", sketching the clouds and sky to perfect his technique. One of Constable's most innovative techniques was to create light on water by using white paint as a highlight. This technique can be seen in The Hay Wain as the water from the stream in the foreground is disturbed by the wheels of the hay wain itself.

Who is Anna Arnold the artist?

Anna Arnold is from Cleveland, educated at the Cleveland Institute of Art. She has had lots of exhibitions throughout the United States. She enjoys teaching art to children . Anna makes portraits, ceramics, masks, beads and painted furniture.Anna Arnold, painter, writer, educator, lives and works in Cleveland, Ohio. Anna has been one of America's most expressive, exciting, enduring artists and independent educators for nearly three decades. She is an advocate of life-long learning and graduated from the Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies program. She earned a Master of Art in Art Education degree and teacher's licensure in 2010. She completed an extensive two year program.Anna Arnold earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Cleveland Institute of Art and has exhibited in over 200 solo and group art exhibits throughout the United States. She has educated hundreds of school children as a visiting artist. Most recently, she taught painting and drawing with Martin Boyle to 5th, 6th and 7th grade Cleveland children in a summer art day camp program called "SmART in the City: Freedom to Make It". Other instructors taught ceramics and West African Percussion, Dance, and Music. It was funded by Case Western Reserve University, The Cleveland Foundation and UBS Wealth Management.Anna is widely known for her vividly colorful expressive portraits, ceramics, masks, beads and painted furniture. Highlights of Anna's exhibitions are the Cleveland Museum of Art, Akron Art Museum, South Bend Regional Art Museum, Indiana, Center for Art and Religion, Washington, DC., Progressive Corp., Cleveland, Promega Corp. Gallery, Madison, WI., Western Reserve Historical Society and Wasmer Gallery at Ursuline College, Pepper Pike, OH,.Her works are in the permanent collections of Progressive Corp., Kaiser Permanente, Metro Health Hospital, Ursuline College, the AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland and the Cleveland Public Library. Noted commissions are "Angel On My Shoulder" for the 2006 American Cancer Society's Cattle Barron's Ball Live Auction created with children from the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, 2006 Martin Luther King Jr. Service to the Field Award, portrait commissions of Garth Fagan, choreographer of the "Lion King" and Jawole Willa Jo Zollar,founder and artistic director of the Urban Bush Womenpresented by DanceCleveland, the stunning mixed media stained glass and mosaic tile Globe for the Historic Cleveland Public Library in downtown and GuitarMania.Anna is known for her generousity in donating art to assist causes and organizations. She donated an original work of art for Faith Ringgold's "Anyone Can Fly Foundation" Exhibition and Auction hosted by the ACA Gallery in NYC in October 2009.The following are a few examples of Anna's expressive works that are available for purchase for private, public, gallery and for museum art collections and for gallery and museum exhibitions.GS3 Publishing has published a book showcasing two decades of Anna's work. For inquiries about her art for purchase, art and portrait commissions and books, please contact:(216) 256-7018

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The nouns in this sentence are sheets, afternoonand summer.

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What season was 'Starry Night'?

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