Roy Lichtenstein was born in New York as the son of a realtor and a housewife, Milton and Beatrice Werner Lichtenstein.
Roy never ever had any friends at all, in fact his family didn't even like him.
no he had a wife
Yes, the dots that Roy Lichtenstein uses are his signature mark and are called 'Benday Dots'.
Roy Lichtenstein attended a public school in New York, for his primary education, until the age of 12. He then enrolled at Manhattan Franklin School for boys, remaining there for his secondary education. Roy Lichtenstein got his art training at Ohio State University.
i have great feelings about lichtensteins work he uses great effects
his inspiration was his wife
it is unknown what roy lichtensteins materials are
His second wife was named Dorothy and they married in 1980 ( I don't know the last name but I hope this help ) * ) *
Lichtenstein was a pop artist as were Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg and many others.
Drew Roy's parents have approved of him dating Cheyenne
There are two Roy Disneys. Roy Oliver Disney's parents are Elias and Flora Disney. Roy Edward Disney was Roy O's son. His mother was Edna Francis Disney.
Herb and Margie Star .
Roy and Carrie
Roy Lichenstein was born to Milton Lichenstein and Beatrice Werner Lichenstein.
Roy Lee Ferrell and Betty Kay