There is usually one and the same answer to those questions 'Why did XXX become an artist?' Because he felt he had the talent and the urge. It is as simple as that!
Oil paint on canvas.
You should note that there are two famous French painters named Rousseau. Théodore Rousseau, landscape painter 1812-1867, and Henri Rousseau, naive painter 1844-1910.
Not always. He had never been in a jungle, but was famous for his jungle paintings.
HenriRousseau used oil paint onto canvas. :)
Henri Rousseau's most famous picture will have to be Jungle With A Lion you can find this picture on Google Images Henri Rousseau's Paintings!
He signed them Henri Rousseau.
Oil paint on canvas.
Oil paint on canvas.
because they thought the did it relicic
Henri painted Tigers, Lions, Antolope, Buffalo, and a naked lady!
You should note that there are two famous French painters named Rousseau. Théodore Rousseau, landscape painter 1812-1867, and Henri Rousseau, naive painter 1844-1910.
Henri Rousseau, whose full name was Henri Julien Felix Rousseau, was a French painter that followed the Post-impressionist school, specifically the 'Primitive' or 'Naive' current. His work is recognized as the inspiration for several important artists that followed him, as Picasso and Leger.
when Henri Rousseau was married
Henri Rousseau used oil paint for his paintings.
Not always. He had never been in a jungle, but was famous for his jungle paintings.
Henri Julien Felix Rousseau