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Because his general interest was painting abstract art.

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Q: Why did Juan Miro paint the Sonnens?
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Why did Juan Miro paint ''Sonnens''?

he paintes it because, you need to understand artists can paint what they want so get over it ok.

What materials did joan miro use to paint sonnens?

Oil paint on canvas.

Why did joan miro paint sonnens?

because he was inspired by his other artworks and it was really pretty

What is the meaning of Joan Miro Sonnens?

Joan Miro was a color field painter, and Sonnens is one of his most popular works. As his other works, Sonnens represents bright colors, spontaneity, and automatism.

When did Joan Miro paint sonnens?

There is not an exact date of when he painted but it was known that he painted it between 1920's and the early 1930's.

Where is the painting Sonnens located?

it was located in Miro museum

When was sonnens painted by joan miro?


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He painted it in 1968.