

US Constitution

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Mellie Gulgowski

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2y ago
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What is the purpose of the tenth amendment

The purpose of the 10th amendment was to secure the rights of the states from a large national government.

It says that any power not delegated (given) to the national government nor prohibited by it to the states (article 1 section 10) is given to the states or the people.

This prohibited the federal government from gaining too much power, and giving all issues not given to the federal government to the states

Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

the 5th admendment

How many specific government objectives are listed in the Preamble of the Constitution


Which is not true of the formal amendment process

the president alone can make any changes

Which amendment guarantees the right for all Americans to bear arms

second Amendment

Which is not an example of a social amendment

Congress can levy income taxes.

What is the main concept of the fifth amendment

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To protect people from being unfairly tried

Of the following which is not a function of political amendments

create a perfect government

The right for a citizen to bear arms is protected under which amendment

The second amendment of the US Constitution.

Which of the following is not considered a suffrage amendment

The term limit of a president is two years

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Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

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What is the purpose of the tenth amendment

Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

How many specific government objectives are listed in the Preamble of the Constitution

Which is not true of the formal amendment process

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What is the purpose of the tenth amendment

Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

How many specific government objectives are listed in the Preamble of the Constitution

Which is not true of the formal amendment process

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What is the purpose of the tenth amendment

Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

How many specific government objectives are listed in the Preamble of the Constitution

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What is the purpose of the tenth amendment

Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

How many specific government objectives are listed in the Preamble of the Constitution

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