

Korean War

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Lorine Batz

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Which of these was the site of the peace talks that ended the Korean War


Which nation was not part of the United Nations Allied military force in Korea

Soviet Union

Which direction would an Allied tank travel to go from North Korea into Communist China

An Allied tank would travel north to go from North Korea into Communist China.

Which statement best characterizes the political arrangement of the Korean peninsula following World War 2

the US and SU would govern the Korean peninsula

In which order did Americas twentieth century wars occur

WWII, Korean war, then Vietnam war

Which of these best describes general MacArthurs strategy for winning the korean war

Before he was dismissed by President Truman, his strategy was flawed in the belief that China would not enter the war. After being dismissed by President Truman for insubordination, his strategy was to use nuclear weapons and bomb North Korea, and China.

Expand the war into Chinese territory.

Which event closely followed the Allied landing at Inchon in September of 1950

The allies recaptured Seoul, South Korea.

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Korean War

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Which of these was the site of the peace talks that ended the Korean War

Which nation was not part of the United Nations Allied military force in Korea

Which direction would an Allied tank travel to go from North Korea into Communist China

Which statement best characterizes the political arrangement of the Korean peninsula following World War 2

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Which man was president during the Korean War

Which of these was the site of the peace talks that ended the Korean War

What did the Federal Government have to decide about the Atomic Energy Act that was passed on August 1 1946

Which nation was not part of the United Nations Allied military force in Korea

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Korean War

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On the night of June 18-19 at Kennesaw Mountain General Sherman lost over men while the South lost about 400

Tension between which two blocs caused the Cold War

What did the Federal Government have to decide about the Atomic Energy Act that was passed on August 1 1946

Which nation was not part of the United Nations Allied military force in Korea

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Which two countries were closest to the Yalu River

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Which nation was not part of the United Nations Allied military force in Korea

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