

Colonial America

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Loraine Quigley

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What did Roger Williams do as a result of his argument with church leaders in Plymouth Colony

He established a new colony in Rhode Island.

What made the middle colonies attractive to poor men

There was plenty of good land available for farming.

Who settled in the colony of Carolina

Originally it was people from Virginia that settled in Carolina. Others came from Great Britain, Germany and Switzerland. There were also slaves brought in from Africa.

Which of these was something that puritans believed

People who sinned should be punished by the community


What was one reason William Penn was given land in the middle colonies

The king owed him money.

To allow Quakers to escape persecution in England.

The settlement of the carolinas was helped by

The limited availability of land

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What did Roger Williams do as a result of his argument with church leaders in Plymouth Colony

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What did Roger Williams do as a result of his argument with church leaders in Plymouth Colony

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What did Roger Williams do as a result of his argument with church leaders in Plymouth Colony

What made the middle colonies attractive to poor men

Who settled in the colony of Carolina

Which of these was something that puritans believed

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What did Roger Williams do as a result of his argument with church leaders in Plymouth Colony

What made the middle colonies attractive to poor men

Who settled in the colony of Carolina

Which of these was something that puritans believed

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