

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

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Curtis Strite

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A nomad is a member of a group with no permanent home, that travels according to the location of food. The importance of being a nomad was that it created cultural distance to settled communities.


Reincarnation is the belief that when there is death in one body the soul comes back in another form. Reincarnation is important because it can help you to make better decisions due to learning life lessons in your previous life. Reincarnation can also help you to determine your purpose in life.

Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution started around 1760 in England and was an economic and social change, that later spread to other countires. The industrial revolution is important because it led to the advancement of many objects. The advancement from hand tools is one imporant advancement of the industrial revolution.


Vedas are four books of sacred Hindu writing which are; the Rig-Veda, the Sama-Veda, the Atharva-Veda, and the Yajur-Veda. Vedas are important because they are a very high source of teachings.

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