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liege lord

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Q: ----- lord in medieval times a lord owed feudal allegiance?
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What were some qualities of a good feudal lord in medieval times?

In Medieval times, a good feudal lord shared the bounty of the land with the tenant. A good feudal lord also shared meals with the tenant.

Medieval lands owned by a nobleman or lord for whom the serfs labored and to whom they owed allegiance were known as?

Medieval lands owned by a nobleman or lord for whom the serfs labored and owed allegiance were known as manors or feudal estates. These were self-sufficient agricultural areas, usually centered around a manor house or castle, where the lord exercised control over the serfs who worked the land.

In Medieval Europe the castle and entire estate of a feudal lord is called?


Where was the relationship between lord and warrior heredity?

This relationship between lord and warrior was prominent in feudal societies, where warriors would pledge allegiance and loyalty to a lord in exchange for land and protection. This system was common in medieval Europe and Japan, where warriors would fight for their lords in battle and receive rewards in return.

What does liege mean?

A liege is a feudal lord or monarch to whom allegiance and loyalty are owed by vassals or subjects. It can also refer to a superior to whom one owes loyalty or service.

How was feudalisum related to medieval knights?

A knight was a possible future lord and thus land owner and thus feudal lord.

What Governmental power in feudal society was?

weak and decentralized with legal authority granted to those swearing allegiance to a lord or king.

What is the definition of the word allegiance?

The word allegiance comes from the word "liege", or "liege-lord", a person you promise to serve under the feudal system. Thus it means a commitment to serve, nowadays not only a feudal lord, but a country, a faction, or even an idea.

What is the definition of a medieval lord?

A man of high rank in a feudal society or in one that retains feudal forms and institutions, especially:A king.A territorial magnate.The proprietor of a manor.

What is a Japanese feudal lords called?

A Japanese feudal lord is called a daimyo. Daimyo were powerful landholding nobles who ruled over territories in feudal Japan. They maintained their own samurai warriors and owed allegiance to the shogun, the supreme military leader of Japan.

What is a medieval valet?

a little vassle or a little lord in medieval times

Who was a manor ruled by?

In feudal times, the manor was ruled by the Lord of the Manor.