1.romans were born before Victorians.
2 Romans had a sense of honor
3. Romans were inventive
4. Romans were warlike
5 Romans were organized
6 Romans were proud
7. Romans were builders
8 Romans were innovative
9 Romans were class conscious
10 Romans had the largest empire of the ancient world
1) [Myth deleted]
2) Modern languages such as French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian and Italian are all derived from the Latin language.
3) Our Planets in the Solar System are well named after the main Roman Gods.
4) There was no mass culling of Christians in the Colosseum, as proven by the senate records.
5) The Colosseum is called that because of the Colossus that used to stand next to it. It was originally named the Flavian Amphitheatre (Latin: Amphitheatrvm Flavivm) after the Flavian emperors.
6) Our Republic system of Government is based on the Roman Republic.
7)The Ancient Roman legend says that the city was founded by Romulus and Remus, Two brothers raised by a female wolf. Romulus killed his brother and named the city after himself.
8) There are two consuls in the Roman government.
Read more: What_are_facts_about_ancient_rome
He was the first Roman emperor to have a beard...?
The end of the Roman Empire came in 476 C.E. (A.D.).
A patrician's house was called a domus, the same as any other Roman house. In ancient Rome, a house was a house, its size didn't give it a special name. The only special indication of housing was the "insulae" or apartment houses, which connoted multi-family dwellings rather than private homes for one family.
There are quite a number of interesting facts about London in the Middle Ages. There were many immigrants to the old Roman town due to the increases raids by Vikings, school was only attended by kids from the rich families and poor people worked odd jobs to make ends meet.
one freedom was to j-walk and another was to give a man a full 1 day bJ
She is the Greek goddess of family and her roman name is Juno.
He was the first Roman emperor to have a beard...?
its 95% roman catholic
-it was based off latin
give me two facts about you
Her name means 'night' and she is the Roman personification of the night.
Words that give evidence like statistics and facts
pursue different purposes.
To give facts beyond the text.
The Roman Catholic Church is over a billion members !
the Romans invented naughts and crosses