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Medieval troubadours were poet-composers who served patrons at courts of the nobility. They were of many social classes, but mostly of the noble class. They sometimes performed their own compositions, but often employed joglars to perform for them. Their songs covered a variety of topics from love to politics and debate. Their songs were orally circulated, but they were NOT folk musicians, they wrote for the upper class. They may have wandered, but not aimlessly; from court to court, looking for a patron. Modern troubadours usually identify themselves with the folk movement, and believe that the roots of medieval traditions are found in folk, the music of the people. They are usually wandering, disenfranchised persons who have an important message to share through the medium of music. They are similar to the medieval troubadours in that the text and the music are of equal importance to them.

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Q: Compare modern troubadours to middle age troubadours.?
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