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It is recorded that Charlemagne could not write, and this seems to have bothered him because he kept writing materials by his bed when he was old so he could practice.

We have no statement to the effect that he could not read, and in fact do have statements that he kept books near him. He also understood a number of languages, including Latin.

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What were Charlemagne's contributions to civilization in western Europe?

Charlemagne (742–814) also called Charles the Great or the father of Europe, is considered one of the great leaders in history because he made significant contributions to Western civilization. As King, Charlemagne extended his empire, by conquering much of Western Europe (present-day France and southern Germany) and northern Italy. Charlemagne ordered many improvements, such as the building of new roads and bridges, the standardizing of taxes and tolls, the compilation of a code of civil laws and a code of church laws, also known as the Canon Law. At this time few people could read and write, and because they came from various tribes, they spoke different languages. By making sure Latin was taught throughout his empire, Charlemagne created a common language. He also installed a library at his castle, where he invited scholars to live and work. These scholars translated and copied many manuscripts from Roman Empire and Greek times, preserving the vintage manuscripts. A cultural revival, called the Carolingian Renaissance, also took place during his reign. Charlemagne ordered the bishops to set up schools for training monks and educating citizens-also known as the Carolingian. Charlemagne also created the Carolingian Miniscule, was a script. It was used to produce classical texts, religious books and educational material. That is why Emperor Charlemagne had such a significant influence on the western civilization.

What were people called who could write in ancient rome?

People who could write in ancient Rome we called either a scriptor, an auctor, or a scriba. A scriba connoted a professional writer.

The Frankish emperor who encouraged education?

Charles the Great, also known as Charlemagne was a great advocate for education. Although he had never learned to read and write himself, he encouraged learning on all levels and, as a result, noted scholars flocked to his court to grow under his patronage.

Why did the heirs write out their question in the westing game?

so that they could fit them in their pocket -ali

Who was Charlemagne and why is he important?

Charlemagne is believed to have been born about the year 742. He became King of the Franks in 768, and Emperor of the Carolingian Empire in 800. He died in 814. He was the son of King Pepin the Short. When he became King of the Franks, his country already occupied nearly all of modern France, all of Belgium and the Netherlands, most of Switzerland, and large areas of Germany. To this he added Saxony, Bavaria, large parts of Austria, the Kingdom of Lombardy, which was all of northern Italy, and an area of Spain called the Spanish March, which was the area of Spain in the Pyrenees along the French border. His country was the largest in the history of Western Europe after the fall of the West Roman Empire. On December 25, 800, Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Romans by pope Leo III. Charlemagne claimed to have been surprised by this, and in some respects the event is a mystery. We know it happened, but we do not really know why or what exactly was intended. The Empire of the Romans still existed as what we call the Byzantine Empire. Pope Leo may have intended to revive the West Roman Empire, but there are many suggestions as to his real purpose. Today, Charlemagne's empire is called the Carolingian Empire, to distinguish it from the ancient Roman Empire, the medieval Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire), and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany). Charlemagne's empire is ancestral to the Kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire. Charlemagne revived learning in Western Europe by inviting scholars to his court, seeing that his nobles and children were educated, including both his sons and his daughters. He opened schools and had a stated intention of having all freemen of his empire become literate, a practice which was already in place in the Byzantine Empire. His scholars were all to write in a unified dialect of medieval Latin, which was important because prior to this the Latin dialects had diverged to the point of mutual incomprehensibility. Charlemagne codified laws, and fostered scholarship by theologians. He protected the Church, and especially the popes. He made large numbers of his conquered enemies convert from paganism to Christianity. He fostered the arts and architecture. He stabilized currency, and established an old Roman system based on the denarius, a silver coin about the size of a US dime or a UK five pence; in this system, twelve denarii (pence) made a solidus (shilling), and twenty solidi made a pound. The system was widely used in Europe, and remained in the UK until recently. Charlemagne was a member of what is called the Carolingian dynasty of Frankish kings and emperors. His reign was a defining time in what is called the Carolingian Renaissance. He has been considered by many people an ideal ruler, and a model for other rulers.

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What were Charlemagne's weakness?

He could not read or write

What were Charlemagne's weaknesses?

He could not read or write

What was Charlemagne's weakness?

he could not read of write

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What step did Charlemagne take improve government and unify his empire?

1) Charlemagne himself could read but not write. Charlemagne set up a place school at Aachen. He then asked a respected scholar, Alcuin of York, to run the school. Alcuin set up a curriculum of study based on Latin learning, which became the educational model for medieval Europe. It included the study of grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.

Who was in charge of copying and preserving books when Charlemagne came to power?

When Charlemagne came to power, the books were preserved by monastic organizations. The best monasteries for this were in Ireland and Scotland. Charlemagne brought Irish monks to his court to teach people how to read and write, and the script they had developed became our lower case alphabet.

How do you write 300.00?

You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.

How would you write 71 cents in another way?

You could write it as 0.71 Euros.You could write it as 0.71 Euros.You could write it as 0.71 Euros.You could write it as 0.71 Euros.

What is the name of the monk who created a new system of hand writing?

Alcuin, born 735 died 804. Charlemagne persuaded this monk to go to Aachen in order to design a curriculum for the palace school, including 'how to write, how to speak and how to think'. By this, Charlemagne instituted a standard style of writing

Why was Charles the great so great?

Charles the Great (better known to the Western world by his French name, Charlemagne) was king of France. But, like most kings during the Middle ages he was not content to remain king of such a small domain. So Charlemagne expanded his empire by conquering parts of Spain and Germany. At this point, the Pope was having a great deal of trouble with some rebellious tribes in the north of Italy, and he requested that Charlemagne trot down to Italy to subdue them. Charlemagne settled the outbreak easily. So grateful was the Pope that he declared Charlemagne "Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire" in 800 AD This put Charlemagne in a very powerful position; however, he remained humble and grounded throughout his life. He improved the school system immeasurably, and was considered the best-educated man in Europe, apart from his teacher. Interestingly enough, Charlemagne never learned to write anything more than his name, although he is said to have kept a writing-pad under his pillow and practiced every day upon waking. After Charlemagne died there was no leader strong enough to keep his empire together and it broke into small pieces that could not be reconciled.

When was I Could Write a Book created?

I Could Write a Book was created in 1940.

How do you write could have in a conjunction?

you write could have in a conjunction like this couldn,t