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I believe not because Rome was a democracy of sort and had a senate which is almost like today's American Congress. If a barbarian warlord becomes ruler of the Roman Empire, Rome would be anoligarchy. Also, the barbarian ruler would gain too much power and the senate will have to "remove" him ;).

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Simply because they are brutal and would be good fighters.

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Q: Could a barbarian become an excellent ruler in the Roman empire?
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Poor leadership of the roman empire?

That could be the case.....

How was slavery a cause of the decline of the Roman Empire?

The heavy use of slave labor brought about economic decline. Small farmers, who could not compete with free labor, went out of business. These former farmers were forced to make their way in the cities, increasing overcrowding. Slaves were often war captives from barbarian tribes used to independence, so slave insurrections, many that came close to immediately toppling the empire, were always a looming threat.

What is the body of water west of Charlemagne's empire?

The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".

Could the fall of the Roman Empire have been prevented in the fifth century why or why not?

It could be argued that the Roman Empire has never fallen because its influence still remains with us even today.

Who was a barbarian to the Romans?

The word barbarian came into English from medieval latin, (Barbarinus) this word came from ancient Greek (BapBapoc) The ancient Greeks used the word liberally and generally to describe people or tribes that did not speak Greek. The Greeks used the term as they encountered different cultures including the Egyptians, Persians, Indians, Celts, Germans, Phoenicians, Etruscans and Carthaginians.The term has also ben used historically to describe the Vikings, Mongols and the Goths. The "Normans" also were commonly called barbarians during their invasion of England. Idiomatic usage of the term barbarian (brutal, cruel, warlike, insensitive), would put such people as Hitler and Stalin as being Barbaric.Attila the Hun is one of the best-known barbarians. Adolf Hitler, although he was a despicable man, was not a barbarian. With regard to the alleged "idiomatic usage" of the term "barbarian" (brutal, cruel, warlike, insensitive), some think it is correct to classify Adolf Hitler as a barbarian, but that would be inaccurate.As Merriam-Webster defines "barbarian" or "barbarous":1 : of or relating to a land, culture, or people alien and usually believed to be inferior to another land, culture, or people.2 : lacking refinement, learning, or artistic or literary culture.Germany in the 1930s was anything but lacking in refinement, learning, or artistic or literary culture, and the Germans and German culture and technlogy were hardly believed to be inferior. They were ahead of the United States and most other countries at the start of WWII in science.Call Hitler and the Nazis evil, genocidal, racist murdering miscreants. But don't confuse evil with barbarism. They key connotation you should come away with from the word barbarian is an inferiority (of culture) compared to the surrounding cultures. As such, Attila, Odoacer, Genseric, Vercingetorix, Boadicea, and Theodoric are well-known barbarian leaders who challenged the (culturally and scientifically superior) Roman Empire. One could also call Genghis Khan and the Mongol khans barbarians.

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What ways did the Empire of Italy hold on after the barbarian invasions of the 4th and 5th centuries?

They held on because the solders needed a break so they could look at there great empire.

How did the Roman empire military effect the fall of the Roman empire?

the roman army was weak so it could not defend the empire from barbarians who attacked it in the twilight of Rome (Rome was captured in 476 AD by a barbarian named Odacer)

Which of the empires was affected by the barbarian tribes?

I'm partially confused about what you are talking about if you could be more detailed i might but anyways both the Byzantine Empire and the Western Roman Empire (Holy Roman Empire) but the Western Roman Empire was the one that fell due to the goths, Huns, vandals and many more.

What was the Roman Empire known for building?

The Roman empire's legacy in architecture was the extensive use of the arch, its excellent roads and its excellent aqueduct system. No civilization at that time could boast of a better set of architectural and engineering skills.

How could a barbarian warrior become king of his tribe?

A barbarian warrior could become king of his tribe by proving his strength, leadership abilities, and loyalty in battles and challenges. He would need to gain the respect and support of other tribe members by demonstrating his courage and ability to protect and provide for them. Once he has earned the trust of his people, he could then be elected or declared king by the tribe.

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Although the profession of plumber has traditionally been dominated by men, there is no reason why a woman who was interested in plumbing could not become an excellent plumber.

How did civil wars weaken the strength of the Empire and make it vulnerable to barbarian invaders?

They divided the Romans against each other and so they could not provide a united front against the movement of peoples from the east into the empirs's territory.

How was citizenship created in roman empire?

There were a number of ways to become a Roman citizen. One could, of course, be born a citizen if one were freeborn of citizen parents. When Rome took over the Oscans, Umbrians, and other peoples of the Italian peninsula, citizenship was granted to these people at once in order to create loyalty. Non-citizens from allied "barbarian" cultures could become citizens by serving in the legions. Citizenship could be granted either wholesale or selectively to newly conquered peoples such as the Gauls. Finally, one could be manumitted from slavery by a master or mistress who was a citizen.

How did incas control their empire?

They had a leadership hierarchy that kept order in far out reaches of the empire. They also had excellent communication since they had runners who could travel with news between areas--via a huge road system.

How did the incas control their empire?

They had a leadership hierarchy that kept order in far out reaches of the empire. They also had excellent communication since they had runners who could travel with news between areas--via a huge road system.

How was Byzantine not an extension of the Roman Empire?

Okay, so the Roman empire was so big that it could not be ruled by one person affectively, so the empire was slip into two, the "Western Roman empire"and "Eastern Roman empire!" Long story short, the Western Roman empire fell apart after having a lot of bad rulers and Rome fell into the hands of a barbarian king. So basically the Eastern Roman empire could not call them self the Roman empire, as they didn't have control of Rome! So that's why they change the name to Byzantine empire! (Even though they changed the name, they were 100% Roman by blood and culture! )

How do you be excellent in life?

There are many different views to this question, but from my own personal experience, I have found that there is only one way to be excellent in life and have true meaning in life. And that is to give your life to Jesus Christ and let Him direct your day. This is how I have become more than I could ever be :) This will help you in all aspects of your life if you are seeking to become excellent :) This is what worked for me :D