There were many parallels between tourism in the ancient world and our world. Some of them are quite familiar to us. The Romans had travel agents and tour planners the same as we have. The popular Roman tour sites were closely related to the sites we visit today. For example, Greece and a tour of temples and old cities was high on their list of favorites, just as today. (Remember though, that the temples and some cities were still in use in Roman times and not in ruins like today) Egypt was perhaps number one on their "must see" list, just as Egypt is a very popular tourist attraction today. The Romans loved looking at the Egyptian ruins and even leaving graffiti to prove that they had been there. They also had to put up with narrow rutted roads and if they were traveling without a guide, getting lost. This sometimes happens today. And that old problem of seasickness plagued the Romans just as it bothers some of us today.
yes they do because if they did not we would not exist
An expendium, maybe. Though realistically speaking, it doesn't exist. Hypothetically speaking though, if it did exist, it could be one of a few things:1. A list or collection of very few things. Maybe even one thing. Which would make it a non-list.2. A very long, verbose, and not entirely informative exposition on a body of work.3. A publication containing one piece of work and one piece of work alone. Which is, technically speaking, what most books are, anyway. So I guess you could say that the typical storybook is somewhat an 'anti-compendium', or an 'expendium' if you choose to employ a word that doesn't exist to describe something that doesn't exist. Appropriate though, wouldn't you say?
Both are facing the unknown. We did not know what could happen in space. Sailors in the 1400s did not know what would happen sailing west.
During the Middle Ages.
It Causes Erosion But Most Time Tourism Is Good For Example Wothout Tourism The Isle Of Wight Wouldnt Exist
renaissance in tourism period is a great time that exist the tourism society, and discover by paul allen san miguel, the great scientist in the phil.
This is used to describe a situation where friendship exist between two people. But one partner is willing to go into romance but the other is not willing.
Loch Ness Monsters have never existed but the legend is good for tourism.
Despite the fact that diverse cultures exist, the norms that constitute their ethics require treating other people in a good way. As such, ethics comes in handy in tourism and hospitality.
the US & Clolumbus do not co-exist....
Answering "Describe the events leading up to the Protestant Reformation that caused religion to co-exist with politics?"
Value added to resources that already exist.
A map is designed by the tourism department of the country where the situation is exist for domastic and international tourists because it helps the tourists
Kakadu is a very important zone for uranium mines; but a conflict with tourism exist. This depends on the Australian government determination.
Like ghouls, giants and vampires, the loch ness monster doesn't exist - but it's good for tourism.