No. Constantine defeated a rival general named Severus to become Emperor of Rome. In fact, Diocletian was the first emperor to abdicate, and he lived out the rest of his life quietly.
Constanine had to overcome a system we call the tetrarchy, where the roman empire was ruled by 4 emperors, Constantine was one of these and he successfully defeated his colleagues to become the sole emperor.
The eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire were two parts of a sole Roman Empire and never attacked each other. They did not attack each other because they were part of the same empire. In fact there ware alternations of periods with co-emperors (with one in charge of the east and one in charge of the west) and periods with a sole emperor for the whole of the empire. In 307 Galerius, the senior emperor in the eastern part, attacked Maxentius, a usurper emperor in Italy. However, this was not an attack of the east on the west. It was an attempt to deal with usurpation. Finding himself in a vulnerable position, Galerius did not engage Maxentius, withdrew from Italy and proclaimed Licinius as senior emperor in the west and Constantine as junior emperor in the west. Maxentius was eventually defeated by Constantine, who, after winning a civil war against Licinius (who had become senior emperor of the eastern part of the empire after the defeat of Maxentius) became the sole emperor of the whole Roman Empire. Theodosius I attacked Magnus Maximus a usurper emperor who took over the provinces of the western part of the Roman Empire except for Italy. Theodosius won. After this the emperor of the western part of the empire, Valentinian II, was found hanging in his room and there was another usurper emperor, Eugenius. Theodosius defeated him and became the sole emperor of the whole of the Roman Empire.
Mark Antony never became emperor, as we use the term today. The title "imperator" originally was an honor bestowed on military commanders by the legions after great victories. Many Roman generals were declared imperator by troops, including Mark Antony who ruled as a member of a triumvirate that included Octavian (Ceasar's adopted son and heir) but they had a falling out and later led opposing factions in a civil war. Antony committed suicide after his defeat by Octavian, who cooped the name imperator (from which our emperor derives) as a substitute for king which had negative connotations for the Roman people. Roman dictators served for a set period of years and the office was not hereditary; thus, that office did not suite the purposes of Octavian (later known as Augustus). He had the Roman senate declare him emperor with all the powers of a king, eventually including the hereditary right to pass on his office to his chosen heir. Antony never held sole power equivalent to a king as did Augustus.
Augustus managed to be not only the first Emperor, surviving civil war, but he also was one of the longest ruling. While wielding nearly total power, Augustus was careful to at least pretend he was not actually the sole ruler of the Empire. He cloaked his actions by paying token respect to the senate, having them legally give him his powers. He also took title such as "First Citizen" to emphasize he was merely a Roman citizen, albeit one of higher than normal ranking. But his greatest claim as "ablest of the Emperors of Rome" would be in how he managed to maintain peace through the Empire, quelling civil war, encouraging public works, and running a fiscally sensible policy that left the Treasury with a significant surplus. And he did it while not neglecting his own public image, ensuring most of the Roman populace would look on him with not only respect, but genuine affection, even love.
The Turkish muslim empire destroyed the Romans
Constantine defeated Maxentius, an usurper emperor in Rome, who took charge of Italy. However, this did not make him the sole emperor. He became co-emperor with Licinius, the emperor of the west. Therefore, it was when he defeated the emperor of the east (Licinius) in his second civil war that Constantine became the sole emperor.
Constanine had to overcome a system we call the tetrarchy, where the roman empire was ruled by 4 emperors, Constantine was one of these and he successfully defeated his colleagues to become the sole emperor.
AnswerWhen Constantine was still very young, Diocletian was the senior of the two Augusti.After Diocletian abdicated, Galerius became the senior Augustus.Afterwards, as Constantine rose to power and set out to defeat his rivals, it was not always clear who should be recognised as the senior Augustus. Many modern historians give that honour to Constantine himself after 306, but this may be recognition of his later success rather than the way his contemporaries may have seen the situation.After 324 CE, Constantine was sole emperor (Augustus) of Rome.
Constantine did not undertake any campaigns to fight evil. He fought for power. He fought two civil wars to defeat a usurper emperor and then his co-emperor and become the sole emperor, thus ending the period of the tertrarchy (rule buy four) which had four co-emperors. Through most of his political career, Constantine straddled Christianity and paganism. He retained the title of pontifex maxumus (the high priest of Roman religion), he had a statue of himself in the guise of Sol Invictus/Apollo (the sun god) erected in Constantinople, he declared Sunday (the day of the sun) a public holiday of rest to honour Sol Invicitus.
Military campaign to defeat all enemies and then he declared himself emperor. War is not necessary. In japan, there has always been an emperor, their ruler has always held that title. Without fighting to get the title.
The Arch of Constantine was used to celebrate the anniversary of the defeat of Maxentius every year.
Constantine won!
The people who were responsible for the defeat of the Aztec's emperor and empire were the Spanish.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Napoleon Bonaparte .