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he was born in 280 b.c

Crassus was a famous Roman who would form a Triumvirate with the two other most powerful men of his time, Pompey and Julius Caesar. Crassus was fabulously wealthy - he is regarded as the Richest man in Roman History, and possibly the (relative to his time) richest man in all history. Eventually feeling overshadowed by Caesar's successes in Gaul and Pompey's against the Pirates in the Mediterranean, he personally financed a military campaign against the Parthians in what is modern-day eastern Turkey, Iran and Iraq.

It was an absolute disaster and only a few thousand of his men survived. Crassus himself and his son Publius were amongst the dead. One story goes that the Parthian King poured molten gold down his throat either before or after his death. Whether this is true is unknown, but it is symbolic of his vast wealth and the hubris that killed him.

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Marcus Licinius Crassus held several offices, but his main advantage was his wealth. Rome had no fire department, and whenever a fire began he would buy the property at a low price, whereupon his own private fire brigade would extinguish the fire. As a member of the First Triumvirate, he shared power with Pompey and Caesar, and they divided the administration of Roman territory.

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