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While the germanic tribes were invading, a germanic leader Odoacer, a former Roman army recriut, finally conquered Rome in 476 A.D.

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Q: Did rome fall apart after germanic tribes invaded the empire?
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How many miles apart were the farthest northern part of the Mongol Empire and the farthest southern part of the Mongol Empire?


What happened to Alexanders empire after death?

Macedonian generals were fighting for control over his empire.

Why was there a loss of common language in the roman empire?

There wasn't. The empire was so large, that it was split in half, the western empire and the eastern (Byzantine). The Byzantine empire lasted till 1492. In both empires, Greek was considered an elite language, just like speaking French or Italian was in the American colonies in the 1700's. Most Roman libraries had two sections- one section in Latin and one in Greek. The Byzantine empire used Greek as the main language after the Western empire broke apart in 476. Vandals from the north came into Italy and took it over, crowning them the emperor of rome. Later on, a great king from France, Charles the Great, formed a new empire, the Frankish empire, and named himself Emperor. At this time, the Latin in territories evolved. Modern English, called Germanic, is 40% Germanic and 50% Latin. French, Italian, Sicilian, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese all have evolved from original latin. Sicilian and Romanian are the least evolved from Latin. Don't forget that most modern Europeans speak several languages.

Why did Rome fall in a small paragraph?

The late Roman empire was repeatedly invaded by several barbarian groups, most notably the Huns and Vandals. Due to lack of funding to urban upkeep, those who weren't rich lived in horribly and dangerous conditions. Soon, those with money left Rome to live on private estates, and they created private armies to defend their land. In the cities, inflation had increased the prices of goods immeasurably, and the Western part of the Roman Empire fell apart. The Eastern Empire underwent a change of power, and became the Byzantine Empire.

What is the language spoke mainly in the west of the empire?

The Latin language was spread across Western Europe during the Roman Empire. Latin was the main language spoken in the provinces of the Roman Empire and it was used for most official documents and religious ceremonies. Although Latin was the main language there were still regional dialects in use throughout the empire such as Celtic in Gaul and Iberian in Hispania. Latin also had an influence on the development of languages later used in Western Europe. The Romance languages such as Spanish French Italian and Portuguese all evolved from Latin. Additionally many of the Germanic languages such as German and English were also heavily influenced by Latin.

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How did the romen empire fall apart and how did it impact Europe?

There leader killed someone and it destroyed everything plus people say that the empire became to big to control other tribes were invading the roman empire . soliders were joining other tribes.

What famous tribes settled in the Roman borders?

Tribes around the northern borders of the Roman Empire were the Franks, Cherusci, Chatti, Hermunduri, Alemanni, Marcomanni, Quadi Iazyges, Dacians, Costoboci, Carpi, Sarmatians, and Scythians Apart from the Iazyges, Sarmatians and Scythians who were Iranian-speakers, these people were Germanic. The Goths formed a kingdom in Ukraine, northeast of the empire. The Visigoths, Goths of the west, asked for permission to settle in the lower Danube area of the empire to escape the Huns. The emperor Valens granted this. The Ostrogoths (the Goths of the east) settled in Pannonia (eastern Austria and western Hungary) while this area was taken by the Huns. The Romans then recovered this area. The Flanks were allows by the Romans to settle in Holland south of the river Rhine and in Belgium. The peoples who invaded the western part of the Roman Empire were the Vandals, Sueves, Alans, Burgundians and Alemanni. The Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians migrated to Britain in waves.

What roman beliefs and practices did Europe's Germanic ruler adopt?

After the Germanic rulers invaded the western part of the Roman Empire, they converted from Arian Christianity to Catholicism (apart from Clovis, the king of the Franks) who converted from paganism. This was because the peoples they had conquered were Catholics and because they wanted to gain support from the pope and the Catholic clergy in their kingdoms. They also integrated aspects of Roman law with their customary laws to create new legal codes for their kingdom. They gradually developed the chivalric code, which was a code of conduct between warring aristocrats who composed the backbone (the cavalry) of the armies of these kingdoms

What roman beliefs and practices did Europe Germanic ruler adopt?

After the Germanic rulers invaded the western part of the Roman Empire, they converted from Arian Christianity to Catholicism (apart from Clovis, the king of the Franks) who converted from paganism. This was because the peoples they had conquered were Catholics and because they wanted to gain support from the pope and the Catholic clergy in their kingdoms. They also integrated aspects of Roman law with their customary laws to create new legal codes for their kingdom. They gradually developed the chivalric code, which was a code of conduct between warring aristocrats who composed the backbone (the cavalry) of the armies of these kingdoms

What roman beliefs and practices did Europe's Germanic ruler's adopt?

After the Germanic rulers invaded the western part of the Roman Empire, they converted from Arian Christianity to Catholicism (apart from Clovis, the king of the Franks) who converted from paganism. This was because the peoples they had conquered were Catholics and because they wanted to gain support from the pope and the Catholic clergy in their kingdoms. They also integrated aspects of Roman law with their customary laws to create new legal codes for their kingdom. They gradually developed the chivalric code, which was a code of conduct between warring aristocrats who composed the backbone (the cavalry) of the armies of these kingdoms

What happen after Romans invaded France?

After Julius Caesars final win at Alysia,Gaul (France) became apart of the Roman Republic, Gaul became a stronghold of the Roman Empire later on and was the edge of the Western Empire. France was one of the first (countries) to be ruled by the Romans and though out the time of the Empire until the fall of the Empire it remained under Roman control

How did Western Europe go from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages?

Basically, the West Roman Empire fell apart. Throughout the history of Roman Empire, Germanic people had been trying to migrate into it. They had been allowed to under certain circumstances, one being that they guard the borders against intrusions. This was especially done in areas that had lost population due to disease or other factors, in order to repopulate the land. In time the armies of Germanic tribes provided most of the officers of the Roman Army, and nearly all the enlisted men in the areas they were defending. The Romans had always allowed client kingdoms within the borders of the empire, and when the Germanic groups wanted their own kingdoms it was permitted. These kingdoms had been reduced to provinces in the past, but in the 4th and 5th centuries, they grew stronger in time, rather than weaker. There were a large number of invasions of peoples during the 4th and 5th centuries, including Huns along with the Germanic groups. Franks, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Burgundians, and Suevi all set up kingdoms, all wanting increasing independence. By the end of the 5th century, the Western Empire had lost all control of these groups and effectively ceased to exist.

What is the difference between a lyre and a Germanic lyre?

Simple, a Germanic lyre was used by the Germanic peoples, a "normal" lyre wasn't. On a more serious note, it's a completely different instrument. The Greek lyre had many strings that were plucked one at a time, much like a modern harp. The Germanic lyre had usually only 6 strings, and was sometimes played in the above fashion, but more often by strumming while blocking some strings with your fingers to create chords. Apart from this, they also look quite different. They also come from different cultures: the Germanic lyre was used by the Germanic tribes (obviously) while the classical lyre was used by the Greeks (and other mediterranean cultures).

Why did the empire begin to fall apart after Alexander death?

Not empire

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It was all apart of Hitlers Blitzkrieg, which is essentially fast paced warfare. Hitler invaded them.

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What were some signs that the Roman Empire was breaking apart?

It was the western part of the Roman Empire which fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic people. The eastern part of the empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years. The signs that the western part of the empire was breaking part was the fact that it failed to repel the invasions because it lost political cohesion. There was a lot of political squabbling , infighting and a sting of usurpations.