yes they eat it because they are idiots
Bear claws and stew that was kept in a cauldron, and had stuff added to it over time. They would just light the fire underneath the stew but never actually put the stew away.
Rice was introduced to Europe in the 10th century by Moors in Spain. It was also brought to Italy by Arabs and was grown as far north as southern France by the end of the Middle Ages. It was expensive, but was available, in much of Europe of the later Middle Ages, and was eaten by wealthy people. There are links for sources below.
See the related question below.
See the related question for information
They are two different countries. Egypt is in Africa and Turkey is on the border of Asia and Europe. But, if you are talking about turkeys that you eat, they are birds that people shoot and eat on Thanksgiving.
Potatoes and turkey both are New World foods, and had not yet reached Europe.
Of course they do, we all eat Turkey on thanksgiving
In medieval Europe, court jesters would have had access to the food of wealthy people. In addition to bread, they would have eaten beef, pork, fish, and the meat of game birds.
No, because if they eat other turkey for Thanksgiving it would be like you eating other people.
Holy sh1t there are turkey people 0_0
More people eat Turkey on Christmas day then people eat Ham.
it isnt very popular in turkey
Turkeys eat people
Same thing that causes people to eat what they eat here and now: * what they can grow or raise * what they can find * what they can hunt or catch * what they can buy * what they can make * whatever is available that nourishes them and doesn't hurt them or kill them