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because it was a strong army

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Q: Explaining the statement Rome never fell because it turned into something even greater an idea and achieved immortality.?
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When and how will biological or nonbiological immortality be invented?

It is currently impossible to predict with certainty when and how biological or nonbiological immortality will be invented. The concept of immortality is complex and involves overcoming numerous biological and technological challenges. While scientific advancements continue to push the boundaries of our understanding, it is important to note that achieving true immortality still remains highly speculative at this point.

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Objectves are statement of aims or goals to be achieved.

How did Arabs achieve immortality?

They did not. Arabs die just like all other humans.If you are referring to Arab culture instead of Arabs themselves, they achieved immortality through their works of poetry, the architecture they built, and the religion (Islam) that they propagated.

How did Genghis Kahn achieve immortality?

Genghis Khan achieved immortality eversince he became his empire's local stronggman, he gained power and lead his empire and he wanted to achieve immortality so he can have the ability to live forever, or eternal life. That's all I know, I hope it might help you a little during your research or whatever.

What is the pill of immortality?

Dehydrated ambrosia compressed in a capsule.The Immortals say like this (from the Immortals book by blessed John):`Elixirs of immortality do not exist. It is useless to seek them on other planets or in alchemical retorts. Immortality is achieved solely with the stage of agapic love between perfect brothers and sisters.`the secret of the airy castles, ch.20

What is is the exact word for a prize that someone gets for something they have achieved?

The exact word for a prize that someone gets for something they have achieved is "award."

What is immortal substances?

`Elixirs of immortality do not exist. It is useless to seek them on other planets or in alchemical retorts. Immortality is achieved solely with the stage of agapic love between perfect brothers and sisters.`The secret of the airy castles, ch.20 .The Immortals book by blessed John of the Holy Grail.

Can we have immortality?

It is highly unlikely that immortality will ever be achieved in a physical sense.Of course many religions have a belief of some form of eternal life after death

How is fame achieved?

doing something stupidd

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An achieved status is something that you have to work for to attain: lawyer, doctor, teacher, etc.

Why does Gilgamesh want to find Utnapishtim?

Gilgamesh seeks Utnapishtim because he is the only mortal who achieved immortality and can offer him the secret to eternal life. Gilgamesh hopes to gain this knowledge and overcome the fear of death that plagues him after the death of his friend Enkidu.

What are some examples of achieved status?

An achieved status is something that you have to work for to attain: lawyer, doctor, teacher, etc.