Augustus changed the government from one of being controlled by a bickering, self-serving senate to a principate in which one person or "first citizen" retained the authority. He also appointed capable men to the senate and to other offices, regardless of their birth. He established a smooth running bureaucracy to administer the government. He redivided the city into wards which made it more easily serviced.
Augustus changed the government from one of being controlled by a bickering, self-serving senate to a principate in which one person or "first citizen" retained the authority. He also appointed capable men to the senate and to other offices, regardless of their birth. He established a smooth running bureaucracy to administer the government. He redivided the city into wards which made it more easily serviced.
Octavian/Augustus became Rome's first emperor.
Rome is the capital of Italy and Italy is a democracy.
Christian religious
Romes soilders became less loyal and disiplined
i dont really know the answer
The stationed the bulk of the Roman legions in the frontier provinces of the empire.
The stationed the bulk of the Roman legions in the frontier provinces of the empire.
Octavian/Augustus became Rome's first emperor.
I don't even know
System of law
Augustus established his personal absolute power and made himself the first Roman emperor. Therefore, he started the period of absolute power by emperors which replaced the Roman Republic.
Rome is the capital of Italy and Italy is a democracy.
prediction how do you think italys geography and romes location would affect the spread of romes influence
Augustus was a title awarded to Octavian by the senate. It was not a name, but a unique title honoring him and his achievements.The title Augustus was given to him by a resolution of the Senate.In a nutshell Octavian was was given the title Augustus (meaning revered) by the senate because he was loyal and great and the liked him alot. The name stuck.
You need to clarify what you mean by framers.
Christian religious