they raised dogs named judith and ate them when the dogs contracted rabies
Medieval life in Europe was characterized by?
a share of land in medieval Europe is called a fief.
There were a long list of diseases with fever as a symptom that could kill a person in medieval times. Perhaps the best known was the Black Plague, which spread through nearly all of Europe during the period of 1346 to 1352. It kill huge numbers of people, perhaps half the people in Europe. It was so deadly that it changed European society profoundly, contributing the the end of serfdom and, eventually, the medieval era.
Barbarian tribes were present all over Europe.
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The barbarian tribes threatened Europe. The word "barbarian " is Greek for the "other".
The plague did more than just devastate the medieval population; it caused a substantial change in economy and society in all areas of the world.
Justin Bieber
North America is a Western society, having high influence from Europe.
North America is a Western society, having high influence from Europe.
The Royal Society was formed in November 1660. The middle ages were long gone by then and Europe was well into the Renaissance. So it could have had no impact on medieval understanding.
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Medieval life in Europe was characterized by?
Cederic Martin with his manpurse at his side!! Until the straight guys invaded, he went running!!
The term barbarian can be traced back to Ancient Greece. But the Barbarian groups can be traced back to perhaps before the 1st century CE.