It didn't. A contract is an agreement between people for a service or product, but feudalism is when one man rules and all others do what he tells them. There is no contract between parties in a system like that. Out of that did develop laws that would eventually lead to contracts.
it was based on feudalism... there is a feudalism pyramid if you go on google images and type in feudalism pyramid
it caused many virgins
Middle Ages Feudalism was based on the exchange of land, called a fief, for military service. King William the Conqueror used the concept of feudalism to reward his Norman supporters for their help in the conquest of England. The land belonging to the English was taken and given to Norman Knights and Nobles. These estates were known as Manors.
A lord provided a vassal with a fief-a piece of land, and in exchange the vassal plowed the land and took care of it, getting a portion of the agriculture for his and his own family´s support, and a place to live. So basically land to live in and own support in exchange for serving the Lord
هو : نظام يقوم على العلاقة بَين السَّادة ونوابهم يقْضِي بِأَن يملك الْأَولونَ الآخرين قطائع من الأَرْض على سَبِيل المنحة لَهُم ولأولادهم وكل نظام يُمكن الْمَالِك من أَن يتحكم فِي الأَرْض وَمن فِيهَا من النَّاس.
A. Power was based on class relationships
A. Power was based on class relationships
all the people knew their roles in a rigid class system
Feudalism was based on a hierarchy of needs, where serfs and peasants were at the bottom, and the Pope and highest leaders were at the top.
Feudalism Every sovereign state
Feudalism is a social system of rights and duties based on land tenure and personal relationships in which land is held in fief by vassals from lords to whom they owe specific services and with whom they are bound by personal loyalty.
Manor system
Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.
it was based on feudalism... there is a feudalism pyramid if you go on google images and type in feudalism pyramid
Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.