people produced cloth, metal word, shoes and other good right in their house
these guilds were for the people who bought and sold goods on large scale, and who finaced ship and overland caravens to trade in distant land
The guilds are often divided into two types, merchants' and crafts' guilds. They were similar in many respects, such as being used to prevent outside competition. In other ways they were different; where crafts guilds often made newcomers go through a long process of apprenticeship, merchants' guilds sometimes gave membership to children of members and sometimes sold memberships.
This really can't be answered because records that exist often don't report this information. It also depends on the type of merchant and the goods he made or sold.
An ancient market is a place where goods are bought and sold. In Greece it was called an agora and in Rome it was called a forum.
The Africans sold were often criminals or convicted of a crime. They were traded for goods but often traded guns and firearms to these African kingdoms.
Selling shoddy goods would have been punishable with a fine in most places. In some places, where there were guilds, the regulation of quality of goods was maintained by the guilds, and a person who sold shoddy goods might have lost his guild membership.
The market revolution
Craft guilds made items for the merchant guilds while the merchant sold the items.
these guilds were for the people who bought and sold goods on large scale, and who finaced ship and overland caravens to trade in distant land
The only difference was what they made or sold.
taxes levied on goods made or sold within a country are called excise taxes.
A place that manufactures goods to be sold is called a factory. Many places have there goods made somewhere else and the finished product delivered to them.
they were sold by merchants!