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The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The Roman houses I have seen in Italy were made with stone, cement, and wood. The wood was used for roofing. Many peasants in the middle ages used a wattle and daub method for creating houses. These are sticks woven together to make a wall, then linked with another one until a square is formed. A plaster made of mud and straw is put over the top of the wattle and then this is white washed. A thatch roof is placed on top. This had a dirt floor, one door, and a fire place.

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13y ago

The ancient Romans put the same things in their houses as we do. They had their clothing, furniture, household goods such as cooking and gardening tools, etc. The only thing different was that most houses had a little shrine in some part of the house to honor the household and family gods.

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12y ago

Stone usually.

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