Generally speaking, monarchy was either transferred on the death of a monarch to one of their offspring - generally the eldest male, or to the person who killed the monarch (in battle or otherwise) and who then assumed power as the 'strongest' in the land - i.e. the person with the best army!
The power structure was based on vows of support in exchange for land and titles.
The monarch gave a person he or she trusted a piece of property, possibly with a title of nobility or a knighthood, in exchange for vows of allegiance and homage. The Middle Ages were a time when a person was not considered any better than his word, and vows could not be broken without being excused from them by the Church. In the case of a king, the person who excused the vows would be the Pope. And on the occasions when kings were excommunicated, the vows to support them were sometimes excused. This was what gave the Pope power over the monarchs.
wit swag
The monarchs of Europe believed that they were divinely chosen.
AnswerAbsolute monarchs are people who forcefully take power by either gaining their power from the army or having a powerful family that had many followers. I believe that absolute monarchs are dumb for even trying to forcefully take power from the people while also knowing that they were going to sometime fall. Also knowing that if they finally fall, that means DEATH!!!!!!
They wanted to gain power since they asked the pope for help
The powers of an emperor depend on what type of empire he heads. Most modern emperors are constitutional monarchs and really have very little actual power, as the power is concentrated in the hands of the people. The ancient emperors, such as the Roman and Chinese emperors, had unlimited powers and unlimited authority.
wit swag
In most cases the death of the incumbent.
Where did the Monarchs get there Power
Where did the Monarchs get there Power
The monarchs can gain salary from his/her job position. For example: he/she should serve people for contributing his/her ability to reach the satisfying result.
the power of absolute monarchs is unlimited
Monarchs, the church, and the Crusades were intertwined in medieval Europe. Monarchs often worked closely with the church to validate their rule and gain divine support. The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the church, led by monarchs, with the goal of reclaiming the Holy Land from Muslim control. This collaboration between all three entities shaped the power dynamics and religious landscape of Europe during this period.
they didnt!
they didnt!
They Sapported Explorations Beacause They Wanted Goods.