I notice that you used the plural for predecessor. Only one man had tried to become sole ruler before: Julius Casear.
As the winner of the civil wars which brought down the Roman Republic, Augustus was in control of the army. He started the period of rule by emperors by establishing himself as an absolute ruler, while pretending to be restoring a republic shattered by the civil wars. He reached a settlement with the senate whereby the senate retained control of the older Roman provinces, while he controlled of the border ones. Since most of the legions were stationed in the provinces, this concession still left him in control of the bulk of the army.
Augustus turned the senate into an instrument of his power and emasculated the popular assemblies (which used to elect the officers of state and vote on bills) to the senate. The officers of state were no longer elected and became appointees of the emperor. Augustus controlled governance through the creation of an imperial bureaucracy which carried out his command. He legislated by decree.
Augustus learned from the lesson of Julius Caesar's murder. He was assassinated because he gave the impression of trying to become a king, which made him look an enemy of the republic. Augustus therefore chose the title of princeps, which was derived from the princeps senatus, who was the first member of the senate and acted as a chair. The world roughly means first man and had a "first among equals" connotation and gave a republican veneer to his rule. In reality, he was turning himself into an absolute ruler. He also acted as a restorer of Roman ancestral religion practices which had decayed and presented himself as an upholder of Roman tradition.
The reign of Augustus was one of showmanship. After winning the civil wars of the Roman Republic he made himself an absolute ruler, which was what Julius Caesar had tried to do. Augustus learnt from Caesar's assassination about the danger of arousing suspicions of trying to become a king, which was anathema to the Roman Republic. Augustus pretended that he was restoring the Republic after the civil wars, while in actual fact was replacing it with his absolute ruler. He presented himself and the restorer decayed archaic religious traditions and of republican values. He chose the title of priceps, which roughly meat first man/citizen and had a "first among equals connotation."
Augustus also created a personal cult. He continued the association of the Julian family with the goddess Venus which Caesar had made and used this to create a cult based on himself as divine as Caesar had done. He also transformed Roman art from the previous republican art to an imperial art which glorified him. He created artistic images of himself as semi divine and as a victorious imperator (which meant victorious
Diocletian is famous for his superb organizational skills. He divided the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western Empires, and completely reorganized their governments and armies which made them more efficient to manage. He ruled in the East, and both he and the Western Emperor shared rule with co-emperors. With Roman lands being ruled by four emperors instead of one, the authority was more evenly spread and easily managed. The Roman Legion was abolished and replaced with a smaller unit which gave ambitious generals fewer men to lead a revolt with. Also, Diocletian became the first Roman Emperor to retire and live out his remaining years quietly, instead of being assassinated as was the previous tradition for changing emperors. Instead of ruling with force and showmanship, Diocletian ruled with beauracracy.
The enormous expenditure on the pay for soldiers and commanders and on military provisions of an massive army of some 40.000 was the main cause for the increase that created hardship in the Roman empire. The state could barely manage to finance this. This led to an oppressive tax regime. The expansion of the imperial bureaucracy, which became bloated, by the emperor Diocletian was also another important factor.
A programm to edit and manage mainly textual information in a tree structured way.What about in math??
Diocletian thought Rome was to big for one man to rule. His solution was to split the city into an eastern half and a western half, with each side having its own ruler. Rome kept on being attacked by Germanic invaders. They were losing money so Diocletian decided to split it so the Eastern half of Rome could thrive while the Western fell to the invaders. In the end it worked really well. The Byzantium (East Rome) lasted 1000 years longer than the Western Rome.
The mongols promoted cultrual exchange as they controlled one fifth of the known world at the height of their conquest. this allowed them to manage the major trade routes linking the east and the west. Within the empirical borders there was little thieving that occured which allowed merchants to pass along the silk route much easier. Western historians have labeled this the Pax Mongolica.
it was too big and to make easy to manage.
Become a dinosaur
i think there is a link for you to manage your profile and you can change that.
Yes, he was the emperor responsible for the last persecution of the Christians and the man who divided the Roman empire in order to make it (supposedly) easier to manage.
It is important to manage your files because they become cluttered and slow your system. It is also important to manage your files because important information is stored in those filed and you might need to retrieve that information.
it means if you want to become a member click this button
It will become a landfill and then the pollution will be so bad everyone will die
Ahmose was born into the Theban royal family and ascended the throne when his brother died after reigning for three years. He was 10 years old. He founded the eighteenth dynasty.
to become a divine monarch. to manage an empire and spread greek culture.
Become not obese and overweight and will manage to burn calories that you put on when you eat fatty foods, and also you become very smellie because you sweat :) !!
The Jews in Judaea rised up against Rome.