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At the beginning of the Roman Republic the patricians monopolised the Roman state by monopolising the consulship (the office of the two annually elected heads of the Republic), the seats of the senate and the priesthoods. In the first plebeian rebellion (the first plebeian secession), the plebeians created their own institutions: the plebeian tribunes, the leaders of the plebeian movement, the aediles , their assistants, and the Plebeian Council, the assembly of the plebs. These institutions were independent and in conflict with the institutions of the patrician-controlled Roman state and their main purpose was to defend the plebeians from abuse by the patrician aristocracy. This was the beginning of the 200-year Conflict of the Orders between patricians and plebeians (the commoners). The poor plebeians fought for their economic grievance (indebtedness, the interest rates of loans, food shortages and shortages of land for the poor to farm). The rich plebeians fought for power-sharing with the patricians. Therefore, plebeian representation was the result of bitter and intense political conflict. They plebeians often mobilised their movement to press for their issues. Eventually the rich plebeians obtained power-sharing by gaining access to the consulship and the other offices of state which were created as the Republic developed and to some of the priesthoods. The economic grievances of the poor p-plebeians were not addressed properly

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Q: How did plebeian representation change in the government?
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How did Plebeians gain power in Rome?

The plebeians were commoners; that is, non-patricians. The patricians were the aristocracy. The poor plebeians rebelled and created the plebeian movement to fight for their economic grievances which came form their poverty. They created their leaders, the plebeian tribunes. The leaders were rich plebeians who had the education needed to lead a movement. The rich plebeians used the agitation of the plebeian movement for political self-promotion. They demanded access to the offices of state and eventually they succeeded in gaining access to all of them, including the top one, the consulship. Besides using the agitation of the plebeian movement, the rich plebeians also were supported by liberal patricians who favoured the change (conservative ones opposed it). At the end of this process the rich plebeians were co-opted into a patrician-(rich) plebeian oligarchy , and were included in the equite (cavalrymen) rank, which was turned into the lower the of the nobility. At this point the rich plebeians turned their back on the poor plebeians. The conflict between patricians and plebeians had been called the conflict of the orders. Writings of this conflict usually focuses on the process of gaining access to the offices of state. However, it should be remembered that the plebeian movement was meant to be concerned about the economic plight of the poor and that this was never addressed properly.

Was Trajan a plebeian or patrician?

the emperor Trajan was a patrician. Although his family had been plebeian, the emperor Vespasian made his father a patrician.

What happens when you die in ancient Rome?

If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.If a plebeian died in ancient Rome he had a funeral and was buried just like everyone else.

The engraving of roman laws on the twelve tables was prompted by the?

The engraving of the Twelve Tables was prompted by the revolt and strike of the Plebeians. It was not prompted by a plebeian revolt. The plebeian revolt of the second plebeian secession (which was not a strike, strikes did not exist back then) was after the promulgation of the law and was about getting rid of the men who had written the law, had been put in charge of the city with extraordinary powers, refused to resign at the end of their term of office, and were ruling arbitrarily. They wanted to end this and restore the power of the plebeian tribunes and the right to appeal which had been suspended during the government of these men. The origin of the Tables was the bill for the Lex Terentilia which was proposed by the plebeian tribunes in 467 BC. Its aim as to define and limit the power of the consuls which had not been defined and therefore was limitless. The plebeians, as poor people, were the people who were most likely to suffer if the consuls acted arbitrarily. This was opposed by the patricians. The bill was obstructed and delayed for 12 years despite continuous plebeian agitations in its favour. At this point the plebeian tribunes dropped the bill and argued for the need for a general legislation. The patricians agreed and this was the beginning of the process which led to the Twelve Tables.

How did the council of the plebeians change life for the plebeian?

It gave them a say in politics and an ability to pass laws without being over-ridden by the Patricians in the Senate, and by manipulation in the Tribal Assembly.

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No branch of the Roman government represented the plebeians. The plebeian tribunes represented the plebeians. However, they were not a branch of the government. The did not have executive powers. The plebeians had had their own assembly, the Plebeian council.

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The plebeian tribunes were the leaders of the plebeian movement and the representatives of the plebeians. The aediles were the assistants of the plebeian tribunes. The Plebeian Council was the assembly of the plebeians. The patricians were exuded form these institutions. They were not a branch of the government of the Roman Republic. They were separate and independent from the state of the Republic. They were created as a defence of the plebeians against the patrician-controlled state . They remained separate from the offices of state of the Republic and the senate. In fact, their relationship with these institutions was often antagonistic.

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How did Tiberius Gracchus change the status and role of the tribune?

Tiberius Gracchus did not change the role of the plebeian tribune. He used it to promote his agrarian reform. He increased the status of the plebeian tribune through his great popularity, his determination in pursuing his reform and his challenging the senate. He also provided inspiration for subsequent plebeian tribunes to be more proactive in championing the cause of the poor.

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No amendment could change equal representation in the senate without

What changes were made in Romes government as results of demands by the plebeians?

The main changes were around the plebeian tribunes and the plebeian council which were formed by the plebeian movement in its first rebellion (the 1st plebeian secession). The council and the tribunes were recognised, but the laws voted by the plebeian council were not recognised as laws binding on all citizens, including the patricians. Eventually they were recognised as binding on all, and the plebeian tribunes became the main proposers of laws and the plebeian council the main deliberative body. The leaders of the plebeian movement gained access to all offices of state, the senate and the priesthoods. These leaders were rich plebeians who were co-opted into what became a patrician-plebeian oligarchy with the help of liberal patricians who supported this development. The rich plebeians then turned the backs on the poor plebeians who had been the driving force of the plebeian movement. The economic grievances of the poor plebeians were not addressed properly.

What changes were made in romes government as a result of demands by the plebeians?

The main changes were around the plebeian tribunes and the plebeian council which were formed by the plebeian movement in its first rebellion (the 1st plebeian secession). The council and the tribunes were recognised, but the laws voted by the plebeian council were not recognised as laws binding on all citizens, including the patricians. Eventually they were recognised as binding on all, and the plebeian tribunes became the main proposers of laws and the plebeian council the main deliberative body. The leaders of the plebeian movement gained access to all offices of state, the senate and the priesthoods. These leaders were rich plebeians who were co-opted into what became a patrician-plebeian oligarchy with the help of liberal patricians who supported this development. The rich plebeians then turned the backs on the poor plebeians who had been the driving force of the plebeian movement. The economic grievances of the poor plebeians were not addressed properly.

How did the purpose of the meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 change?

It was called to deal with Economics and was converted by the Third Estate as a call for an end to the absolute Monarchy and a call for representation in the government.

Who spoke for the plebeians to the senete and the cosule after the the plebeian revolt?

During the first plebeian rebellion of the First Plebeian Secession, the plebeian movement created its leaders, the plebeian tribunes and its assembly, the plebeian council. As the leaders of the plebeian movement, the plebeian tribunes were the spokesmen of the plebeians The were also the defenders of the plebeians They had the power to veto the actions of any officers of state which they deemed as being against the interests of he plebeians.