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The form of address used by a slave depended upon several factors, such as the master's preference, the job/position of the slave, weather there was company present or they were in private. A rural slave, who rarely saw his owner, would use a deferential title such as "dominus" or even "bone vir". A domestic slave, who spent much time with the master would call him by his name. It is said that Julius Caesar's personal slaves called him by his name, Gaius.

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Q: How did roman slaves address their masters?
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Were the masters kind to the slaves?

no they arent kind to slaves

How were the slaves humiliated?

Because, they were property to their slave masters, and the slave masters could do anything that they wanted to the slaves in order for the slaves to keep their lives.

How did slaves remain loyal to their master?

slaves have to remain loyal to their masters or else they get beaten and whipped. most masters whip their slaves if they don't do what they are asked to. slaves have to be careful and do as they are asked.

During what roman holiday did masters serve their slaves?

It was the festival of Saturnalia, sometimes called the Winter Festival. It was the happiest time of the Roman year when everyone joined in, played pranks, exchanged gifts and generally turned life upside down. This included masters serving their slaves, but only for one day. The festival was so popular that it grew to 15 days of merriment.

Why did some Romans live in great fear of their slaves?

Generally speaking the question would be more pertinent if the question was "Why did slaves live in fear of their Roman masters". However, most slaves were loyal to their masters and in return, a wise slave owner would treat his slaves with decency. Punishment for a slave for killing or injuring his master meant death. Good behavior might mean freedom at some point. Romans had great faith in their slaves ( general statement) and in some cases Greek slaves were assigned to tutor a Roman's children.