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The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

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The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.

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How might a strong organized empire defend its frontier?

A strong empire could put settlements on its frontier as well as posting troops to those areas. Another way is to build a wall, similar to what China did.

Was Alexander the Greats Empire larger than the Roman Empire?

In terms of area and population, the Roman Empire at its height was much larger, but it must be remembered that it took the Romans many generations to build their empire, while Alexander built his in only a few years. Macedonia later became a Roman privince, but several Eastern provinces of the former Macedonian Empire were never added to the Roman Empire.

What are the similarities between the Roman empire and Charlemagne's empire?

u must have lee if u don't ignore lol It will be unequal relationship. One side, you have world's first superpower that stretched from Britain to Mesopotamia and Morocco to Crimea having 1/3 of world's population under control in very cosmopolitan civilization, and other hand you have regional power bounded under leadership of descendants of the Germanic tribes. Frankish empire was literally build just due strong personality of the Charles the Great and could survive, because he ruled unusually long (768-814), which gave it enough time to build strong government and institutions that became a model for following medieval Europe. But Frankish empire had collapsed not long after the Charlemagne's death. The Roman Empire was not revolving around personality of one individual, which is one of the reason for such long, and lasting presence. It was build upon institutions dedicated to the free citizens of Rome. Lacking influential builders prevent the empire collapse after numerous crisis for very long time, until the final decades of its existence. Rome was also multinational, multicultural, and religious diverse society. It flourished various religions, cultures, languages, rites, and customs as long as they obeyed the Roman rule. The Frankish empire was much regressive, where only Catholic Christianity was allowed, where Irish, Arian, Greek, and Slavonic christian rites were suppressed. Culturally, Frankish empire paled behind the cultural, philosophical, and artistic achievement of the Antiquity. It controlled area that was in majority run by Germanic nations that were on very low level of development in comparison with the Byzantine empire and this had a profound effect how the state functioned. Illiteracy was a problem for the state to have a successful bureaucracy, so it forced Charles the Great to fund education at least centered around monastery. Roman Empire did not have such problem, and its bureaucracy was not matched until much later by medieval China. Since Frankish empire was fraction of the Roman, it also had effect on the economical development of the state and the western civilization. Since the core of the state was in present day France, Frankish government turned the once backyard of the Roman Empire into successful medieval state that provided a copy for the rest of Europe. The feudal economy achieved agricultural output that was able to feed population that was twice that of the Roman's Gaul (from 4.5 to 8 mil), but the urban life suffered. The Frankish empire did not have prominent urban centers like was Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Cordoba, or Alexandria, which gave this state more provincial feel and outlook.

How did wealth acquired from winning an empire affect rome?

After gaining control of the Italian peninsula, Rome began to build an empire around the Mediterranean Sea. This expansion created conflicts in Roman society that weakened and finally crushed the republic.

How did the Seljuks build their empire and what led to its fall?

internal pressures and external pressures

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yes he did

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When did the Romans build a empire?

The roman empire started in around 400 bc, when they started to gain Italian lands. the roman invasion of Britain was in 43 ad.

What two things did the Roman Empire build with it wealth?

Security and living standards.

How did emperor Constantine establish the Byzantine empire?

Constantine the Great designated Byzantium as his imperial capital, redeveloped and renamed it Constantinople, after himself - Constantinople means city of Constantine. However, this did not lead to the beginning of the Byzantine Empire. In fact, the Byzantine Empire did not actually exist. This is a term which has been coined by historians to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part of this empire and which became popular in the 19th century. The people in question did not know this term and called their empire Roman Empire. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to talk of a "Byzantine" period. This started about a century later.

How did the roman army help build an empire?

Helped py destroying the rebellions in Rome

Who made the first to use cement to build a bridge?

The roman empire

How many bridges did the Roman Empire build?

It is not known. The Romans must have built thousands of bridges because the empire was massive, it covered many mountain areas and it was crossed by many rivers. The bridges were built by the Romans, not the Roman Empire.

What roman empire trade to build roads?

You need to rephrase your question because it is difficult to understand what you mean.

How might a strong organized empire defend its frontier?

A strong empire could put settlements on its frontier as well as posting troops to those areas. Another way is to build a wall, similar to what China did.